Hea Dregona

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Character Summary
Hea Dregona
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Hea Tumerok, author of many Tumerok texts and rumors.

In these texts, many of the Tumerok lore and culture is described and references in the Tumerok languages to for example Olthoi (Wharu), Tumerok (Tonk), "tribe"("xuta") can be found.

His Aun counterpart is Aun Sareona.

He describes the ways of the Hea, their relationship with the Virindi and some of their warriors[1][2][3][4][5][6], references to the Olthoi [7][8][9][10], the amenity between the Aun and the Hea[11] [12][13][14] and their relationship to other inhabitants of Marae Lassel. Also, some of his rumors are pleas for help.[15][16]

Related Pages


Atual Arutoa (Rumor)
Aun Enemies
Aun Ralirea (Rumor)
Hea Arantah (Rumor)
Hea Riketura
Hea Toneawa (Rumor)
Hea Tuperea's Reedsharks
Palenqual's Caverns
The Aun Menhir Rings
The Children of Wharu
The One Named Lilitha
The Tah of Ahurenga
Wharu (Rumor)
