A shield imbued with the power of the Asteliary Gem
Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable
Shield Level: 150 (410)
This item can only be wielded by <Player>.
Casts the following spells: Major Sneak Attack Prowess, Executor's Blessing, Honed Control, Shield Mastery Other VII, Major Impenetrability, Might of the Lugians, Sneak Attack Mastery Other VII, Brogard's Defiance
Armor Level: 150 (410) Slashing: Average (150) (410) Piercing: Average (120) (328) Bludgeoning: Above Average (180) (492) Fire: Below Average (80) (246) Cold: Below Average (80) (246) Acid: Average (150) (410) Electric: Below Average (80) (246) Nether: Average (150) (410)
Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 225, Shield: 300
Spellcraft: 220 Mana: 750 Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.