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Related topics: Creatures, Category:Marionette


"Marionettes are strange constructs that appeared in Dereth in Portal Year 12. Most have no idea where or when they began to appear, only that they can now be found in the deeps of the A'mun desert. Some whisper that the Virindi have something to do with their sudden appearance, and look with fear at the empty crypts of the desert. They are creatures to be feared, for all types can cast magic, and are extremely resistant to cold and lightning." --Town Network Painting


Name Lvl XP Melee Def Missile Def Magic Def Health Loot Trophies
Cursed Marionette 150 563 382 6000 6
Damned Marionette 155 685000 8000 6
Dark Marionette 35 4500 160 2
Fallen Marionette 155 685000 572 394 8000 6

Mad Star Marionette 26 43 2500 1
Malignant Marionette 145 390000 4000 6
Marionette (Creature) 26 2600 140 125 1
Puppeteer 161 605 359 9000 6
Yaja the Shepherd 155 8000 6

There are Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Marionette entries on this page.
There are currently 13 pages categorized as Marionette.


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