Microsoft Zone Archive/Asheron's Call Handbook/The Way of Magic: Essential Arcane Study

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Essential Arcane Study

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To cast a spell, first equip your character with a wand from inventory. Select your target by clicking it in the view window or using one of the targeting keys described in General Advice. Click the dove icon to bring up the Magic Attack panel. You'll notice that each of your spell icons occupies a separate numbered slot. You can cast a spell by simply typing its corresponding number on the keyboard, double-clicking its icon, or clicking its icon to select it and then clicking the green button that says, "Cast <selected spell> on <target>."

You can remove spells from the Magic Attack panel by clicking their icons and dragging them to the view window. Drag spell icons from the Spellbook to add them to the Magic Attack panel. To get to your Spellbook, click the wand icon (the second of the triangular icons on the right side of the screen), and then click the Spellbook tab.

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Magic spells can be learned from scrolls found around the island, or by experimenting in the Create Spell panel. A good way to learn spell formulae is to pay attention to other magic-users as they cast spells. The phrases they utter are linked to specific spell components.

Note the order of components in the formulas for your spells. To view a spell's formula, right-click its name in the spellbook; on the window that appears, the components are listed in order by name and then displayed in order by icon. The logic underlying this spell order is applicable to all spells. Figure it out and you can create any spell, as long as you have the right components.

Be careful about using the same spell over and over again! The more times the spell is cast within a certain time frame, the weaker the spell becomes. If a spell is not used much, it will again increase in power. Keep examining your spells for their charge, which is displayed right below them on the left side of the Magic Attack panel, and switch away from weakened ones. If you discover a new spell, share it with only your trusted friends in order to keep it strong.

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Remember that certain magic items and creature abilities give their bearer protection against certain types of magic: for example, an enchanted breastplate may provide partial immunity against electrical attacks like lightning spells. Also remember that a counterspell exists to every enchantment except the missiles of the War Magic school, which, nonetheless, are ineffective against characters with a high magic defense. The most powerful magicians use magic to foil magic.

Many projectile spells will fail if you are in contact with the target or if your line of fire is blocked. Try to cast them from high ground. A tower or wall may provide a good vantage, too, if it doesn't have a parapet to block your aim.