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Related topics: Creatures, Category:Penguin


"Small flightless birds, these creatures are found mostly in the colder snow covered Halaetan Island. Do not be fooled by their cute nature, these birds can quickly attack an unsuspecting traveler with their belly slide." --Town Network Painting


Name Lvl XP Melee Def Missile Def Magic Def Health Loot Trophies
Aggressive Penguin 5 30 1
Arrogant Penguin 18 1000 70 1
Augmented Penguin 26 2000 95 1
Baby Penguin 6 30 1 None
Cave Penguin 125 45000 900 5
Great Cave Penguin 125 91000 2700 5
Insolent Penguin 185 400000 750 6
Mini Penguin 31 0 140 0 None
Penguin 8 1,000 30 1
Penguin Guardian 220 4,000 6 None
Rebellious Penguin 14 800 60 1
Sycophantic Penguin 21 1250 80 1
Tiny 400 38,000 6
Uber Penguin (160) 160 500000 3500 6
Uber Penguin (220) 220 865000 4000 6
Uber Penguin (240) 240 950000 4500 6

There are Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Penguin entries on this page.
There are currently 16 pages categorized as Penguin.


Artwork & Images

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