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February 2013 - Patch Page

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February 2013: Release Notes

Welcome to the release notes for Asheron's Call! These release notes were posted on Tuesday, February 19th 2013.

  • Monthly Kill Task updated
  • Quests of the Month
    • Weekly: Brewmaster
    • Bi-Weekly: Arcane Pedestal
    • Monthly: Temple of Liazk Itzi
    • Buried Alive (Crystal Core)
    • Defeat Hoshino Kei (Hoshino Must Die)
    • Protecting Picketed Pets (On Strike)
    • Ritual Disruption (Halt Dericost Ritual Quest)
    • Ritual Investigation (Dericost Ritual Investigation)
  • NEW SKILL: Summoning
  • NEW Loot Tier
  • Many high level quest rewards have been adjusted to the new loot tier. Updated the following:
    • Penguin Mouf
    • Hoshino Fortress Infiltration
    • Ninja Academy
    • Tanada Intercept and Slaughter
    • Nanjou Stockade
    • Releasing the Light
    • First Sister
    • Second Sister
    • Third Sister
    • Defeat Hoshino Kei
    • Foundry of Izexi Quest
    • Neftet Sand Temple
    • Mhoire Castle
    • Mhoire Oubliette
    • Geraine's Library
    • Geraine's Bodies
    • Lost Ruins Quest
  • The Following creature types have been rebalanced:
    • Armoredillos
    • Aurochs
    • Banderlings
    • Carenzi
    • Chittick
    • Drudges
    • Eaters
    • Fiuns
    • Gurogs
    • Idols
    • Mosswarts
    • Olthoi
    • Phyntos
    • Reedsharks/Shallow sharks
    • Ruschk
    • Skeletons
    • Tuskers
    • Undead
    • Mumiyah
    • Elementals
    • Grievvers
    • Marguls
    • Shadows
    • Golems
    • Moars
  • Green Society Agents no longer give Teleportation Device to the Facility Hub, and instead now give a facility hub portal gem.
  • Castable Level 8 Item Self Spells have been increased to the loot only versions of the spells.
    • Blood Drinker Self 8 now provides +24 damage mod.
    • Defender Self 8 now provides 20% defense mod.
    • Spirit Drinker Self 8 now provides 8% damage mod
  • New bonus added to specialized defenses against damage of their respective attack type. (Applied in both PvE & PvP)
    • Specialized Melee Defense skill now adds 1 Damage Rating Resist for every 60 pts against melee attacks
    • Specialized Missile Defense skill now adds 1 Damage Rating Resist for every 50 pts against missile attacks
    • Specialized Magic Defense skill now adds 1 Damage Rating Resist for every 50 pts against magic attacks
  • New Luminance Augmentation, Aura of the World, which adds to base value of all skills.
  • The +10 skill increase from Steel Circle, Five Fold Path, and Focused Eye augmentations now visibly adds to base skill (in white numerals)
  • Swapped the XP award between the Male/Female tusker tusk quest
  • Resistance Augmentation Swap NPC, Sakeenah Qureshi, now recognizes players with over 1 million luminance
  • Resistance Augmentation Swap NPC, Sakeenah Qureshi, now fixes anyone who lost their token & augmentation swap gems (e.g. town crier)
  • Shou-jen Shozoku armor from Hoshino Tower quest was fixed to properly display its set bonus
  • Fixed icon for Skeletal Atlatl & enhanced Skeleton Atlatl
  • Report Abuse & Urgent Assistance buttons now redirects to the Turbine Support page.

So these are just some of the things we have in store for Asheron's Call in February. Please remember that along with everything listed here, there are several new quests and exciting things going into the game for the February Event.


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