Talk:Crafter NPC Template

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What would an example of the Crafter Reward table look like for someone like Behdo Yii. When you turn in a Legionary Pincer, for example, you get:

Would this break the current table, or would it hold all of this? --Atarax 20:57, 10 March 2009 (CDT)

You're right, that would break it, I added the ability to have up to 4 reward items and also to optionally specify a quantity for each item. --Tlosk 15:05, 17 March 2009 (CDT)
Turn In Items Experience Pyreals Reward Items
Legionary Pincer 3,000,000xp 100,000p
Sublime Ring of Piercing Protection
Treated Healing Kit x2
Gem of Purity x2

That looks good. I can't think of any NPC that would give more than 4 rewards. /signed. --Atarax 18:10, 17 March 2009 (CDT)