Talk:Save Karul

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Mobs: Clay Golem Sekkou Bronze Golem Sekkou Iron Golem Sekkou

Boss broke down into 3 parts.

Clay Golem Kachi Bronze Golem Kachi Iron Golem Kachi

As the Golem crumbles to the ground, you hear a loud metallic boom! As the Golem crumbles to the ground, you feel the floor shake beneath your feet As the Golem crumbles to the ground, you notice a key resting within its remains

22:43:47 Lieutenant Karul tells you, "Surely Lieutenant Roothe sent you. I suppose I deserve the berating he will rightfully give me for not listening to his wise words." 22:43:47 Lieutenant Karul tells you, "Your assistance is greatly appreciated, my friend. Having such brave adventurers battling her forces, Hoshino Kei is sure to fall." 22:43:47 Lieutenant Karul tells you, "I must swallow my pride and return to the camp. I need to gather my senses...and my pieces. I will embark shortly." 22:43:47 Lieutenant Karul tells you, "You have earned these rewards." 22:43:47 You've earned 150,000,000 experience. 22:43:47 You've earned 20,000 Luminance. 22:43:47 Lieutenant Karul gives you Legendary Key.