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'''August 2008''' - [[Announcements - 2008/08 - Ancient Powers|Announcements Page]]
== Turbine Announcements ==
=== August 25th Teaser Images ===
Special thanks to Frelorn for all his hard work!
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=== Teaser ===
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| Archive = Announcements - 2008/08 - Ancient Powers#Teaser
'''August 2008'''

[[Image:Ancient Powers Splash Screen Mini.jpg|right|frame|<center>Click image to go right to the new stuff.</center>]]
=== Rollout ===
<big>''See also [[100th Update|100th Update Preview]]''</big>
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== Turbine Announcements ==
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=== Teaser Images ===
=== Release Notes ===
{{Patch Announcements Links
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| Archive = Announcements - 2008/08 - Ancient Powers#Release Notes

==== August 25th Teaser Images ====
== Discoveries ==
Special thanks to Frelorn for all his hard work!
=== [[Town Crier]] Rumors ===
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'''UPDATE: The Viamontian Town Criers and Mainland Town Criers have merged together:'''
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<font color=darkgoldenrod>
:Town Crier tells you, "Due to the recent detente between King Varicci and Queen Elysa, all the realm's town criers share the same news.  I applaud our ruler's wisdom for reaching across the Halaetan Straits to make peace with our neighbor, in this time of peril."

:Town Crier tells you, "The realm is united!  The realm of town criers, that is.  In light of improving relations between Queen Elysa and King Varicci, and with the realm riven by mysterious and powerful secret orders, the heraldic guilds have decided to merge, and deliver the news with one voice."</font>
=== Teaser - [ Link] ===

War had finally come to Freebooter Isle. The tropical fortress resounded with the shrieks of combatants, the cries of the wounded, and the ever-present hum of magical energy. Even as the keep’s foundation stones shook with the magical energy unleashed by both besieging and defending forces, two men sat in the deepest subterranean fortress levels and enjoyed a quiet drink in the last few undisturbed moments they had.
''Free Rumors'':
<br><br>The two men were old friends, comrades in a long-ago war on another world, and had not seen each other in years. Still, they seemed to be uninterested in making conversation or trading stories about their adventures, as was the usual conduct of two Aluvian veterans meeting over mugs of beer. Instead, they both seemed to be more curious about listening to, and analyzing, the sounds of battle that filtered down to them through the many passageways that led to the surface from this room.
<font color=darkgoldenrod>
<br><br>There was one particularly deep, resounding boom from above, followed by a moment of silence. Then, rising above the piteous cries of the wounded and dying, there came the staccato beat of many boots, running down stone corridors.
:Town Crier tells you, "A great advancement!  Scholars report that they have made a breakthrough and can now cast eighth-level spells!  It may not be easy to learn how to cast them yourself, however..."
<br><br>The taller of the two men stood up and adjusted his weapon belt. He tipped his cap to his companion. “That’ll be it, then,” he said. “The gate’s gone, the flags will be up shortly I’m sure, and you’ll soon have some new temporary business partners.
<br><br>The other man, still seated, nodded his head. “Aye, I’m sure they’ll be down here soon enough, demanding to confiscate me stocks and expectin’ the laird o’ the castle treatment, just for clearin’ the front yard of all that scaly trash.
:Town Crier tells you, "There's a newly discovered island to the south of Dereth. Rumors are that it's home to a bunch of Moarsmen, but very few people seem to know how to get there..."
<br><br>His companion shrugged melodramatically. “You could give it up, MacTavish. Just accept my offer. In the days to come, with so many people to play off against each other, there will be riches beyond even your greediest dreams. High risk, high reward, never boring. And you’re guaranteed an equity position in the group, of course…”
<br><br>“’Tis a tempting offer, old friend,” MacTavish said. “But I’m too old to get back into the game. Either that or I’ve gotten too soft here, working for the Shrouds. I’m content to leave the risk to the young bucks now and just take a percentage off what they bring in.” He stretched elaborately, popping and cracking a few joints as he did so, as if to punctuate his point about his advancing age.
:Town Crier tells you, "There's a newly discovered island off the southeastern coast of Dereth, but as yet we don't seem to know how to get there or what lives there."
<br><br>“What a pity,” the other man said as he stepped away from the table. “I could have taught you the secrets to life and death, a secret known only to a handful of people on this odd, troubled world. Knowledge I haven’t yet shared with any of my eager acolytes.”
<br><br>MacTavish shook his head. “Even more reason to turn ye down. I’ve only just gotten used to the lifestones… I know me limits. I know I’m just a smuggler and a brigand, I know I’ve not got the courage or the craziness to take on such power. In truth, I wonder what that power will do to yer own head,” he said, chuckling lightly to try and take some of the sting or challenge out of his words. When he looked around, though, his friend was gone. Even with a smuggler’s keen senses, he’d not heard the man depart.
:Town Crier tells you, "The Empyrean Graveyard of the Direlands seems to have... expanded, and the Societies are sending more and more of their scouts through the area. A troublesome development, don't you think?"
<br><br>All for the best, he reflected. He finished his beer. “Say hello to me cousins, when ye see them again,” he muttered to the darkness as he stood.There was a sound from the far end of the complex, the extended shriek of a great door moving on rusted hinges. That was followed shortly by the tromp of several boot heels as a small party entered the tunnels, presumably a delegation from the victorious conquerors of Freebooter Isle, coming to claim the entire island as their own.
<br><br>Out of the dark corridors stepped a man and a woman, at the head of a column of soldiers in red and gold armor. The man was, by his form and bearing, an old warrior and a commander of soldiers. He was Gharu’ndim, and his age and scars marked him as a veteran of the Gharu’ndim resistance against the Viamontian invasions back on their home world of Ispar. He was dressed in elaborate plate armor, the color and ornamentation of which reflected his rank as a senior officer of his Society. The giant mace in his right hand still steamed from the blood and ichor of the Moarsmen he’d slain on his way to clearing the path into the fortress.
:Town Crier tells you, "News!  There's been a lot of new activity on the Dark Isle. It seems the three Societies are quite interested in that island."
<br><br>The woman was older, well into her elder years, and wearing a simple grey robe that carried not a hint of decoration or even a badge of rank. Even so, MacTavish recognized her as Nuhmudira, blood sorceress, former member of Queen Elysa’s royal council. She was the warlord in charge of this group.She carried herself with the same kind of arrogant self-assurance and cold-eyed stare as that of his friend who’d just left walked… And no wonder, MacTavish thought, as they both had mastered the same secrets to life and death…
<br><br>The old woman’s gaze swept the room until it settled upon him. “You are the smuggler captain MacTavish?” she asked in an imperious voice that echoed the underground chamber.
:Town Crier tells you, "You've heard of the three new secret societies of Dereth, yes?  The Celestial Hand, the Eldrytch Web, and the Radiant Blood have started openly recruiting. They've each sent a recruiter to one of the mainland capital cities. I'd want to visit all three towns to speak to each recruiter and see what they're about."
<br><br>“That’s me, milady,” MacTavish nodded pleasantly. “I’ll guess ye’re the witch Nuhmudira that I’ve heard so much of.”
<br><br>Nuhmudira gazed blankly at him, not even bothering to acknowledge his question, and pressed on with her own agenda. “Where is he?”
:Town Crier tells you, "It seems even richer loot than ever before is available, but opportunities to get at this inconceivable level of loot seem scarce. I wonder how to get a crack at some of that treasure?"
<br><br>“Ye’ll have to be more specific than that, milady. Where is who?” He was being more insolent than he strictly needed to be, and that was probably because he was still buoyed up by drinks with his famously arrogant and self-assured friend. He sat back down and leaned back in his chair, kicking his boot heels up on the table.
<br><br>“You know exactly who I mean,the woman hissed. “The assassin, Oswald! He was just in here, and he skulked out just before my troops could get down here to capture him. Don’t try and lie to protect him, I can smell his stink still in this room.” She looked to the soldier who stood next to her.“General Tamiar, have your men secure the entire facility. I want no one leaving or entering without my warrant.”
:Town Crier tells you, "Adventurers have come across a new strong castle in the northernmost mountains of Dereth. It's called Northwatch keep, and apparently it is the site of some squabbling between the three new Societies."
<br><br>The general bowed and turned to issue orders to the troops who’d entered behind them. Nuhmudira stepped forward to confront MacTavish, who was still lounging insolently in his chair. “Aye, me friend was down here. I see ye’re already familiar with him. We were just downing a couple o’ brews and talking about old times. We were in the wars together, back on Ispar, ye see.
<br><br>Nuhmudira sneered. “I know all about your war service with Oswald, knifing Viamontian scouts in the back as they marched throughout your benighted country of drunken ruffians and half-civilized brutes. I’m more interested in why you’re treating with him now, placing yourself in a very precarious position with my own occupying forces here.”
:Town Crier tells you, "News!  A mysterious organization of smugglers and thieves has opened up a couple of black market trading posts. They claim no allegiance to any ruler or society, but they offer their business to whichever society is strong enough to control their local town."</font>
<br><br>MacTavish laughed. “Don’t think to threaten me like that, lady,” he cautioned her. “I’m not some apprentice ye can order about and abuse. I’ve got me own backers who look out for me, and I imagine we’ve got some wares in our stocks that even yer own soldiers, well supplied as they must be, will find useful. So it wouldn’t be in yer best interests to kill me and cut off yer supply of such rare and wonderful items…”
<br><br>Nuhmudira stared down at the insolent smuggler with unconcealed contempt. “My people have given me a briefing on why it is we should tolerate your presence on this island, and they have even convinced me that you are too useful to kill outright. But I will suffer none of your insolence, and if I find even a hint that you are colluding with Oswald against me, I will bleed you on an altar and bribe your masters to forget the inconvenience.Because even they have a price, smuggler.”
''Pyreal Rumors'':
<br><br>The surety of her words and the dangerous gleam in her eyes made MacTavish sit up and adopt a slightly more polite posture. “Aye, I’ll keep it respectful from here on out, milady,” he said. He was about to say more when there was a series of explosions from outside and a rumble that shook the walls of the underground redoubt. Shouted commands rang out from the corridors as Nuhmudira’s soldiers ran back to the surface, alerting each other to the presence of another group of invaders on Freebooter Isle. The old woman barked a couple of commands at the soldiers nearest her, preparing to head back up herself.
<font color=darkgoldenrod>
<br><br>MacTavish smiled broadly as he addressed Nuhmudira again. “As I was saying, I’ll be respectful from here on out, and I look forward to a mutually beneficial arrangement between yer Society and the trade consortium who backs me… Provided ye can hold the island against yer own competition, milady. Looks like there’s someone out there taking issue with yer plans for domination. Worry not though, I’ll be here, ready to do business… with whoever comes back down the corridor.
:Town Crier tells you, "Heard about that new island of Moarsmen to the south, eh?  I know it's south of the land bridge, but I think you have to be an advanced member of one of the Societies to get there."
<br><br>Furious, Nuhmudira trudged back up the tunnels to organize the defense of the keep, even as the smuggler captain’s laughter echoed bitterly in her ears.
:Town Crier tells you, "The three new clandestine Societies of Dereth have started recruiting!  The Celestial Hand's recruiter is stationed in Hebian-To, the Eldrytch Web's recruiter is in Cragstone, and the Radiant Blood posted their recruiter to Zaikhal."
:Town Crier tells you, "Have you heard about Northwatch Castle?  It's way up in the wild northern mountains, northeast of Mount Esper. Apparently the three Societies are fighting over who gets to keep it, because whoever owns it gets access to the black market trading post there."
:Town Crier tells you, "That newly discovered Freebooter Isle, so I've heard, is home to Moars, Moarsmen, and terrifying armored Sclavus, among other things.  There's also some kind of fortress out there that the three Societies keep fighting over. Even more interesting, there's a black market trading post attached to the fortress. Too bad you have to be an advanced member of one of the Societies to get there."
:Town Crier tells you, "The Empyrean Graveyard of the Direlands is even busier than ever! The grounds seem to have mysteriously expanded somehow, and new creatures have turned up... But most interesting, the three Societies have their newest acolytes scouring the grounds there for various items."
:Town Crier tells you, "The Dark Isle is alight with activity again!  The three societies are sending some of their newer recruits on missions to the island to make them prove their worth."
:Town Crier tells you, "The Black Market offers some incredible items that only they know how to get at their outposts on Freebooter Isle and in Northwatch Castle. Unfortunately, your Society has to be in control of that location in order to gain access to the Black Market's amazing wares."
:Town Crier tells you, "I've heard tell that there's treasure and loot out there bearing even more powerful enchantments than we've ever seen, but it's all locked up in chests... I think the Societies have the best line on getting at that loot, but there are opportunities for the unaligned to get keys as well..."</font>

=== Rollout - [ Link] ===
The sun set red over Ayan Baqur.  On the southern hill of the city, overlooking the coast, an old man and his nephew sat, cross-legged, and watched the western sky.  Each bore the dust and dirt of a long day on the trail, but only one of them wore the grime in comfort.  Aliester the Loquacious, one of the pre-eminent Isparian scholars of Dereth, was busily dusting off his new traveling boots and complaining under his breath about how dirty they’d gotten.
<br><br>His nephew, Ardry, smiled indulgently as his uncle fretted about the boots.  “Those boots were made to trek through mud and dust, Uncle,” he said.
<br><br>“Maybe the boots are tougher, or at the very least, of a sturdier construction than your dear old uncle,” Aliester sighed mournfully.  He removed one boot and shook a small pebble out of it.
<br><br>Ardry laughed.  “I think you’re tougher than you think, Uncle.”  He opened his pack and produced a glass bottle of an amber-colored liquor.  “But here’s something to cheer you up.”  He turned the bottle in the light so its label was visible to his elderly uncle’s eyes.
<br><br>“Pwyll’s moldering undergarments!  A bottle of Teakston’s Peculiarly Old Hundred-Year Firewater?  Where did you turn up such a singular treasure?  I haven’t seen one of these magnificent specimens of the distillers’ craft since before we left Ispar!”  Aliester grabbed the bottle from his hands and cradled it like a newborn baby.
<br><br>Ardry sat back and sighed in satisfaction.  “I’ve been saving it, Uncle.  For the entire time we’ve been on Dereth.  I packed it with me when I came through the portal, and it was practically the only thing that survived the journey with me.  Today just seemed like the right day to dig it out of the cache behind your cottage where I buried it all those years ago.”
<br><br>Aliester looked around warily, scanning to see if anyone was nearby.  “We don’t have to tell cousin Ulgrim about this.  Such a noble distillation…” he smacked his lips in anticipatory bliss.  “Yes, I am quite sure our stout-swilling cousin would not appreciate this as he should.  There are… earthy undertones and smoky notes that would be lost on his beer-addled palate.”  Then he gave the younger man a sly look.  “Your resourcefulness never ceases to surprise me, Ardry.” 
<br><br>“I know, Uncle,” Ardry said, looking at his uncle with a smug grin of his own.  “I know.”
<br><br><br><br>Halfway across the continent, in a crypt somewhere beneath the great inland A’mun Desert, a very different pair convened to engage in a different sort of recollection.
<br><br>Lady Aerfalle, the mistress of Aerlinthe Island and one of the eminent remaining nobles of the ancient undead kingdom of Dericost, poured clear water into a silver scrying bowl.  Her companion, sometime lover and co-conspirator, Lord Rytheran of Menilesh, watched her through bony eye sockets that glowed a baleful red.  When Aerfalle was done pouring, she stood over the scrying bowl and took both of Rytheran’s bony hands in hers, so their arms formed a circle around the bowl.
<br><br>Softly, she crooned in a language that had not been spoken by living beings in ten thousand years and the bowl began to glow silvery blue.  She waved her hand over the bowl and a ripple moved across the surface of the water, mirroring her movements.  The water in the bowl turned opaque and reflective like silvered glass, and an image formed on its surface…
<br><br>Clearly the image that formed was displeasing to Lady Aerfalle.  She hissed in rage when she saw what the picture revealed.  “How did they hide those islands from us?  We were the lords of this land, ancient in our power, before the Isparians were even building mud huts on their distant, ignorant world.”
<br><br>Rytheran laughed bitterly.  “We have always known that Killiakta is full of wonders, my lady.  We should not be surprised that the island has deceived us, once again, or that it allowed the Isparians to steal a march on us.  It cannot be a coincidence that the Falatacot-tainted witch was the first to send forces to those islands.  For all we know, she could be in collusion with the Blight.  Now that we have become aware of these events, we must strive to improve our position and take direct action against our foes.  The world still bleeds, and the Living Darkness gorges on its blood.  We cannot let the Yalain and the Isparians seize control of those nodes.  They will make a mistake, as they always do, and the realm will be left defenseless to the depredations of that vile Falatacot beast.”
<br><br>Aerfalle waved her hand over the bowl.  The vision in the scrying bowl changed to a map of all of Dereth.  She reached down and touched various points around the map, which glowed when she touched them.  “The Yalain bide their time, and do not reveal the strength of their mortal levies.  Isparians under the witch’s banner have moved to take control of the nodes on the islands… here… And the witch herself is on this one!”  She pointed excitedly at one of the islands on the map.
<br><br>Rytheran leaned closer to the scryed image.  “We will mount the first attack there, then.  Send her howling back to her tentacled masters.  We must not waste our forces in a strategy of piecemeal attacks.  We must bring overwhelming strength to the first assault, and then consolidate our position there.  It will be a position of strength from which we can strike at the other sites.  Our Isparian proxies can prove themselves and earn great glory with such a conquest.  And we will reward them richly for their leal service.”
<br><br>Aerfalle sneered.  “You place too much faith in such fragile creatures, my love.  Since they arrived on this island, scurrying out of the Yalaini portals like rats through a hole in the wall, they have been nothing but a nuisance and an irritation.”
<br><br>Rytheran shook his head.  “You underestimate them.  We always have.  The Hopeslayer underestimated them, as did the Virin’di and the Burun.  They are surprisingly effective, for such limited creatures.  Now please, my lady, summon Warlord Gorthane to our audience chamber.  I will give him his orders, and you can watch as he leads our minions against their mortal kin.  I know how you enjoy watching them spill each other’s blood.”
<br><br>“It would keep me entertained for another ten thousand years,” Aerfalle murmured.
<br><br><br><br>In a small cottage high in the southern mountains of Dereth, not far from the settlements where the Sho people of Ispar had first settled years ago, a wizened little woman entertained a pair of distinguished visitors in her one-room cottage.  She bustled about with a platter of tea and sweet bean buns as the older of her visitors unrolled a thick, elaborately decorated parchment map on the brushed bamboo floor of the cottage.
<br><br>Ben Ten pressed a mug of hot tea and a plate of pastries into the hands of both guests before settling down with her own refreshments to watch the movements on the map.  “Very nicely done, Harlune” she cooed to the tall Empyrean mage as small pockets of color appeared, shifted, and disappeared on the map, in a manner that roughly corresponded to the movements of enemy soldiers.  “And pretty too.”
<br><br>Harlune shrugged dismissively and grunted.  “It does the job.  Enchanting the map to track the movements of our rival Societies was easier than anticipated, because of the rich magical fields of those two islands.  And the Queen’s cartographers do have a pleasing hand.” 
<br><br>Ben Ten sipped her tea and looked over the map.  “It looks like the Blood has already claimed an island…”  She smiled.  “The woman moves decisively, I will give her that.  Such is the prerogative of mortal creatures…”
<br><br>Harlune snorted.  “She’s not a paragon of caution even among her own kind.  She was always the most aggressive member of Elysa’s council.  Doesn’t surprise me that she’s the first to try and stake a claim.  And we know how much she likes the smell of blood, so she’ll think nothing of throwing away her soldiers’ lives.  Especially now, as we see the undead marshalling their own forces…”  He turned to glance at the man who’d accompanied him here, a middle-aged Sho warrior dressed in ornate blue armor.  “Well, Master Feng?  What do you make of it?”
<br><br>Master Feng Jinsun frowned as he stared at the map.  “The others moved and committed themselves too quickly, precipitously.  They have engaged on two fronts without securing their supply lines.  I suspect also that they have neglected their foraging operations at the other locations…  It is good that we had the foresight to recruit more foragers from the citizenry of the Dereth.  I suggest we flood the hunting areas with our own foragers, to bolster our own stores and to deny them vital supplies, and send elite teams of scouts to keep the Blood and the Web bleeding each other.  Make sure that neither side achieves real victory at either keep.  Once they are sufficiently weakened, we can assess our options and proceed judiciously.”
<br><br>Harlune met Ben Ten’s eye and they nodded to each other.  “Good.  Let it be done.  What will your part be, Master Feng?”
<br><br>The old man smiled, revealing startlingly healthy teeth and a wolfish grin that made the gentle-souled Ben Ten take an involuntary step back.  “I’ll be going to Freebooter Isle with one of the scout detachments,” Master Feng announced, watching the dance of the colors on the map.  “To… cause trouble.”
<br><br><br><br>Back on the southern slopes of the hill by Ayan Baqur, Ardry and Aliester passed the bottle back and forth.  They drank slowly, treating each sip like a treasure, savoring the depth and complexity of the rare and well-aged liquor.  As the last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon, they found themselves pleasantly drunk and almost preternaturally happy and self-satisfied.
<br><br>“Is a good life, Uncle,” Ardry announced, slurring his words slightly.  “Been some tough times, maybe more for me than for you, but is a good life.”
<br><br>“That it is, my boy.  ‘M glad you came to Dereth to share in all our adventures.  Must be said, must be said.”  Aliester put a hand on his nephew’s shoulder and squeezed him affectionately.
<br><br>Their reverie was shattered by a voice barking out behind them, “Hey!  Is that peat moss and oak-aged liquor I smell?  I do believe that’s the distinctive reek of the Old Hundred-Year Firewater!”
<br><br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant, local sage and town drunk, stepped up to stand between them, glaring down at them both with his hands on his hips.  “What’s wrong you two?  You conjure such a bottle out of nowhere and you don’t even think to share it with your beloved cousin Ulgrim.  I’ll write a letter to your mothers, see if I don’t!”
<br><br>Ardry could only shake his head and smile fondly.  “Have a seat, cousin.  There’s still plenty to share.”  He passed Ulgrim the bottle of the hundred-year-old liquor and sat back, relaxed for once in his life on Dereth.  “We been through a lot here.  What d’you suppose the future brings?” he asked idly.
<br><br>“Same thing it always brings, my boy,” Ulgrim answered, his voice uncharacteristically solemn.  “Same thing the past brought us.  Ancient powers, fighting ancient wars with new recruits.”

=== Release Notes - [ Link] ===
=== [[Ulgrim]] Rumors ===
Greetings and welcome to the 100th content update for Asheron’s Call! This is a special time for all of here at Turbine, having reached this most incredible milestone. With this update we wanted to make sure we did something special for the players. For the longest time, the one thing we have been asked for was an Elder Game system. So with this update, we are giving players the beginnings of that system. We are also giving our PvP players something to fight over, with two new PvP controllable towns.
<br><br>The entire staff here at Turbine is proud to be able to release this update to our players as a small token of our appreciation for everyone who has heard the call over the years. So lets get in to all the new and exciting things coming this month in Asheron’s Call!
''Free Rumors'':
<font color=darkgoldenrod>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh ho!  So the town crier guilds of the mainland and of the Viamontian realm have decided to stop competing with each other, eh?  I don't trust consolidation in the media, kid, and neither should you.  This is the latest Virindi sneak attempt to turn our brains to applesauce."
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You tell me there's even richer loot than we've ever seen, sitting around Dereth locked up in chests?  Inconceivable!"
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Those new spells that everyone's going on about?  You can thank me for those.  Yep, I decided to finally get off my duff and write out a new set of spells.  I know, I know, I'm such a great guy... The kind of great guy who deserves a free mug of stout now and again, I dare say."
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yeah, I'm starting a secret society of my own. It's called the Ancient and Benevolent Knights of the Empty Mug.  We quest to empty every mug in Dereth. The Celestial Hand, the Radiant Blood, the Eldrytch Web... those folks are all capable, I'm sure, but not a one of them can outdrink an Empty Mugger.  You can curry favor with our society by bringing me a mug of stout to empty."
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "There's so much going on!  I almost can't keep track of the new developments, what with the Societies recruiting, the black markets opening, the new islands sprouting up, new spells... My old mind is overheating.  A cool mug of stout would sure cool me off. That was a hint, kid."</font>
''Stout Rumors'':
<font color=darkgoldenrod>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You know, right around the time the town crier guilds from the mainland and the Viamontian lands decided to merge, they invited me to join their new organization.  I guess they think I'm one of them because I sit here and try to tell it like it is.  But I'm not one of them.  I speak higher truths.  They're all so tediously absorbed in 'reality' and 'truth' and nonsense like that."
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I hear there's even more going on at the Graveyard these days. I even heard that the Graveyard's borders have expanded.  Pretty scary, isn't it?  You wouldn't think that, in a land where everyone's kinda immortal, that mortuaries would be a growth industry."

==== Societies are Coming! ====
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ah, you've proven yourself worthy to join the Ancient and Benevolent Knights of the Empty Mug. Feel free to go around and tell people that you're a Knight of the Empty Mug. I'd show you our secret handshake, but really it only works when you're blind, stumbling drunk."
A new faction system has been introduced with this update. Players wishing to join one of the three new Societies will speak with one of the Society Recruiters located in the capital cities of Dereth. The Celestial Hand will be in Hebian-to, the Eldrytch Web will be in Cragstone, and the Radiant Blood recruiter will be located in Zaikhal. Once players choose which society they wish to join, they will begin their journey with the initiate quests. The recruiters for each society will have all the details a player will need to make their choice as to which side to join. When a player completes the tasks set out by one of these recruiters, they will be well rewarded and then instructed on how to claim their rewards.
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Just kidding!  Boy, how gullible are you?  There's no such secret society!  Really, the very idea."
<br><br>As part of this new system, some creatures will now be able to discern which faction you and they are a part of. NPC’s who are part of your faction will not attack you, however if you get too close to those belonging to another faction, they will attack. These NPC’s can and will also attack each other, if they come in contact.
<br><br>Deception and Assess Person now have another use for players involved in the Faction system. All players who join a faction will display which faction they belong to in their description panel. Based on a skill check of Assess Person and Deception, some players may be able to “hide” which faction they are a part of. This ability can be particularly useful in conjunction with the new Land Control elements of the game.

==== PvP Land Control ====
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Don't ask me how to get to Freebooter Isle. It actually used to be my vacation home, before I lost the deed in a poker game. I'm very bitter about it, and only the sweet sweet taste of stout makes me forget. So no, I'm not going to tell you how to get there. I'll tell you where to go, all right, but you won't like it."
Two new PK towns have been added to the game. The first of these towns is located just north of the Vesayen Isles, while the other town is located in Northern Osteth, near the top of the Dereth mainland. Each town will start out being held by a rogue faction of Moarsmen who will need to be defeated in order to gain control of the town. Players who want to control one of these towns will need to be player killers, however. Non-player killers will be able to fight the NPCs of the town, but will not be able to claim control of the town.
<br><br>Each town will have three banners that a PK must gain control of in order to take the towns. Once all three of these banners are “controlled” by the same faction, the town will be owned by that faction thus granting access to the Black Market. This portal will only be useable by the members of the controlling Society.
<br><br>The Black Markets are the provenance of the Shroud Cabals, unscrupulous humans who have allied with the Virindi to exploit the factional chaos sown by the three new Societies. Players may use the various Vendors and NPC’s in the Black Markets to buy unique items. The Archmage and Shopkeep will also have some nice extra items unavailable elsewhere. Some of the items players will be able to purchase only in the Black markets will include XP gems which can be purchased for MMD’s and level 8 dispel gems. There are some other items of high value that these vendors will sell as well.

==== New Loot Tier ====
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I talked to one of those Society recruiters the other day. Asked him why he joined his Society. He said something about wanting to secure Dereth for the greater good, defending against outside threats. He babbled a lot. Finally I asked him what kind of beer they serve in the Society tavern, and he had the effrontery to call me a useless drunk!  So I teleported him over Fort Tethana. I'd rather be a useless drunk than a flattened pile of gore in the middle of Teth."
A new tier of loot is now available to players. This new tier of loot will have a base wield requirement of level 150 and will have the potential to generate with level 8 spells and or Epic level cantrips. There will also be the chance that this new tier will be part of a greater set of armor. Pieces which are part of a loot generated set will have a base level 180 requirement in order for players to equip them. Spell components for the creation of level 8 spells will also be found in this new higher loot tier. This new level of loot will mainly be found as rewards from questing, but there will also be a chance for players to collect Mana Shards off some landscape creatures, which they can then use to purchase keys to gain access to this new tier of loot. In addition, we will be adding these keys to several of our older quests in the coming months, starting in September. Here is a breakdown of how players will get keys for the new tier of loot.
<br><br>'''Basic Mechanics'''
* Get 10 Pristine Mana Shards via hunting.
* Bring the 10 Shards to the Shard Collector within one of the three Mana Forges in Cragstone, Hebian-To and Zaikhal, and get a key.
* Use key on the chest for the desired loot.

'''Hunting areas that Pristine Shards will be available:'''
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Moarsman Island?  Yeah, I know how to get there.  You run west from here until you reach the coast, then take a left turn, follow the curve until it flattens out, then take a right and swim until you hit the shore of the new island.  Watch for the ziggurats.  Simple!  Why is it so hard for people to figure out?"
* Graveyard of Despair
* Dark Isle
* Freebooter Isle
* Moarsman City

'''Alternate key mechanics:'''
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yeah, I went up to Northwatch Castle once.  Met that fella Oswald there.  We played dice and drank a few rounds together, but ultimately I decided I didn't want to hang out there too long.  All the factional violence was starting to get a little off-putting, especially when someone got blood on my nice new white pants."
* Society Rank Gateway Quests give Keys the first time they are completed.
* Society Trade Tokens can be used to purchase Treasure Writs, which can be turned in for a Key once every 2 weeks

==== Level 8 Spells ====
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You know my cousin MacTavish runs one of the black market outposts, right?  He's such a thief.  If it weren't for my other cousins MacDugal and MacNiall, MacTavish would be the black sheep of the family. They're all black sheep too. So maybe I'm the white sheep. Or the grey sheep.  Yeah, my nephew Ardry would be the white sheep, if he weren't spattered with blood and mud all the time."
Level 8 spells have been introduced into the game. To accommodate the desire of some players to have a research system in the game while at the same time accommodating others’ lack of desire to participate in a research system, we have implemented a new system for learning level 8 spells. Players may obtain quills, inks, and glyphs from our new highest tier treasure profiles which may be used to craft spells. Quills may be combined with the new Mana Scarab item (which is also the casting scarab for level 8 spells) in order to craft infused quills. Infused quills may be crafted with inks to create a combination of the two. This combination may then be crafted with a glyph to create a level 8 scroll.
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Why are you so interested in sheep anyway?"
<br><br>All components may also be traded or sold to a vendor, and the scrolls may likewise be traded or sold to a vendor. We anticipate that those who wish to participate in the system will enjoy it, while those who do not will be able to obtain the scrolls they need through trading. It should also be noted that not all spells exist at the level 8 tier – notably, we have elected not to implement Creature Other buffs, Life Other buffs, Life Other imperil and vulns, the self debuffs, and the item spell Defender. In addition, the Item spell Blood Drinker 8 will appear only on treasure and will not be available as a player-castable spell. If crafting something you expected to work fails, very likely the spell simply does not exist for level 8. You will not lose components upon failed crafting, and there is no skill associated with level 8 spell crafting, so feel free to experiment safely with the various components and see what you may accomplish!

==== New Areas ====
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ulgrim the Archmage, Master of Time and Space, Leader of the Virindi Resistance, Master Tinkerer, Seer of Truths, Lord of the Jewelry, Supreme Peppermint Cook, Celebrations Advisor to the Queen, Chess Grandmaster, the Shadow Tested, Virindi Regulator and Beer Lord. Yes, that fits nicely with my other titles."
A new landmass has appeared near the Vesayen Isles, known as Freebooter Isle. While many of the landscape features will look familiar to the region, many of the creatures that will appear on this new landmass will be changed in some way. Creatures on this island will also have a chance of dropping Mana Shards, which can be used to purchase keys for the new tier of loot. In order to gain access to this new island, players will need to join one of the new Societies.
<br><br>There is a new Moarsman city that has been discovered. Players will need to discover how to access this new area.
<br><br>The Graveyard has been expanded to help accommodate the number of players who will be hunting there for Society-related tasks.
<br><br><br>So there are just some of the things we have in store for Asheron's Call in August. Please remember that along with everything listed here, there are several new quests and exciting things going into the game for the August event.

== Discoveries ==
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yeah, you'll need a Mana Scarab to cast those fancy new spellsDon't ask me how to get them.  Once I invented those new spells, I thought it would be too showy if I went around using them all the time, so I don't even carry a Mana Scarab with meI am the soul of moderationNow get me another drink, kid!"
=== [[Town Crier]] Rumors ===
'''UPDATE: The Viamontian Town Criers and Mainland Town Criers have merged together:'''
<font color=darkgoldenrod><br>Town Crier tells you, "Due to the recent detente between King Varicci and Queen Elysa, all the realm's town criers share the same newsI applaud our ruler's wisdom for reaching across the Halaetan Straits to make peace with our neighbor, in this time of peril."
<font color=green><br><br>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font>
<font color=darkgoldenrod><br>Town Crier tells you, "The realm is united! The realm of town criers, that isIn light of improving relations between Queen Elysa and King Varicci, and with the realm riven by mysterious and powerful secret orders, the heraldic guilds have decided to merge, and deliver the news with one voice."</font></font>

:<br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Feels like I've been here a hundred years.  The actual number is probably closer to 8 or 9 years, but yeah, it feels like a hundred years.  I think I'll perk myself up by trying to drink a hundred mugs of stout today.  A hundred stouts for a hundred years!  Doesn't that sound grand?"
:<font color=green>Ulgrim interrupts his quiet conversation and yells, "That's right!  A hundred!  Who else can say a hundred!  No one's got the fortitude I do, to stand up to a hundred beers!"</font>

<font color=darkgoldenrod><br>Town Crier tells you, "Town Crier tells you, "A great advancement!  Scholars report that they have made a breakthrough and can now cast eighth-level spells!  It may not be easy to learn how to cast them yourself, however..."
:<br><font color=green>Grand Masterful Poobah Ulgrim has accepted <Player Name> into the Order of the Empty Mug and conferred the title Happy Hundredth upon the lucky supplicant!</font>
<br><br>Town Crier tells you, "There's a newly discovered island to the south of Dereth.  Rumors are that it's home to a bunch of Moarsmen, but very few people seem to know how to get there..."
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ooh, you're a lucky one, and you know whyYou've given me my hundredth stout of the dayOr close enough, anyway.  I stopped counting after about fifty.  You actually get to join the Knights of the Empty MugMembership confers no bonuses other than a neat title."
<br><br>Town Crier tells you, "There's a newly discovered island off the southeastern coast of Dereth, but as yet we don't seem to know how to get there or what lives there."
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Here's a toast to you, kid."</font>
<br><br>Town Crier tells you, "The Empyrean Graveyard of the Direlands seems to have... expanded, and the Societies are sending more and more of their scouts through the area.  A troublesome development, don't you think?"
<br><br>Town Crier tells you, "News!  There's been a lot of new activity on the Dark Isle.  It seems the three Societies are quite interested in that island."
<br><br>Town Crier tells you, "You've heard of the three new secret societies of Dereth, yes?  The Celestial Hand, the Eldrytch Web, and the Radiant Blood have started openly recruiting.  They've each sent a recruiter to one of the mainland capital cities.  I'd want to visit all three towns to speak to each recruiter and see what they're about."
<br><br>Town Crier tells you, "It seems even richer loot than ever before is available, but opportunities to get at this inconceivable level of loot seem scarce.  I wonder how to get a crack at some of that treasure?"
<br><br>Town Crier tells you, "Adventurers have come across a new strong castle in the northernmost mountains of Dereth. It's called Northwatch keep, and apparently it is the site of some squabbling between the three new Societies."
<br><br>Town Crier tells you, "NewsA mysterious organization of smugglers and thieves has opened up a couple of black market trading posts.  They claim no allegiance to any ruler or society, but they offer their business to whichever society is strong enough to control their local town."
<font color=green><br><br>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font>
<br>Town Crier tells you, "Heard about that new island of Moarsmen to the south, eh? I know it's south of the land bridge, but I think you have to be an advanced member of one of the Societies to get there."
<font color=green><br><br>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font>
<br>Town Crier tells you, "The three new clandestine Societies of Dereth have started recruiting! The Celestial Hand's recruiter is stationed in Hebian-To, the Eldrytch Web's recruiter is in Cragstone, and the Radiant Blood posted their recruiter to Zaikhal."
<font color=green><br><br>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font>
<br>Town Crier tells you, "Have you heard about Northwatch Castle?  It's way up in the wild northern mountains, northeast of Mount Esper.  Apparently the three Societies are fighting over who gets to keep it, because whoever owns it gets access to the black market trading post there."
<font color=green><br><br>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font>
<br>Town Crier tells you, "That newly discovered Freebooter Isle, so I've heard, is home to Moars, Moarsmen, and terrifying armored Sclavus, among other things.  There's also some kind of fortress out there that the three Societies keep fighting overEven more interesting, there's a black market trading post attached to the fortress.  Too bad you have to be an advanced member of one of the Societies to get there."
<font color=green><br><br>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font>
<br>Town Crier tells you, "The Empyrean Graveyard of the Direlands is even busier than ever!  The grounds seem to have mysteriously expanded somehow, and new creatures have turned up... But most interesting, the three Societies have their newest acolytes scouring the grounds there for various items."
<font color=green><br><br>You give Town Crier Pyreal.</font>
<br>Town Crier tells you, "The Dark Isle is alight with activity again!  The three societies are sending some of their newer recruits on missions to the island to make them prove their worth."
<font color=green><br><br>You give Town Crier Pyreal.</font>
<br>Town Crier tells you, "The Black Market offers some incredible items that only they know how to get at their outposts on Freebooter Isle and in Northwatch Castle.  Unfortunately, your Society has to be in control of that location in order to gain access to the Black Market's amazing wares."
<font color=green><br><br>You give Town Crier Pyreal.</font>
<br>Town Crier tells you, "I've heard tell that there's treasure and loot out there bearing even more powerful enchantments than we've ever seen, but it's all locked up in chests... I think the Societies have the best line on getting at that loot, but there are opportunities for the unaligned to get keys as well..."</font>


=== [[Ulgrim]] Rumors ===
=== New UI and Game Changes ===
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh ho!  So the town crier guilds of the mainland and of the Viamontian realm have decided to stop competing with each other, eh?  I don't trust consolidation in the media, kid, and neither should you.  This is the latest Virindi sneak attempt to turn our brains to applesauce."
* [[Attribute and Skill Redistribution]] Timers Rest
<br><br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You tell me there's even richer loot than we've ever seen, sitting around Dereth locked up in chests?  Inconceivable!"
: <font color=cornflowerblue>The Temples of Forgetfulness and Enlightenment have had the timer for their use reset due to gameplay changes made in the August 2008 update.</font>
<br><br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Those new spells that everyone's going on about?  You can thank me for those.  Yep, I decided to finally get off my duff and write out a new set of spells.  I know, I know, I'm such a great guy... The kind of great guy who deserves a free mug of stout now and again, I dare say."
* [[Land Control]] introduced.
<br><br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yeah, I'm starting a secret society of my own.  It's called the Ancient and Benevolent Knights of the Empty Mug.  We quest to empty every mug in Dereth.  The Celestial Hand, the Radiant Blood, the Eldrytch Web... those folks are all capable, I'm sure, but not a one of them can outdrink an Empty Mugger.  You can curry favor with our society by bringing me a mug of stout to empty."
* [[Examine Target Panel]]
<br><br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "There's so much going on!  I almost can't keep track of the new developments, what with the Societies recruiting, the black markets opening, the new islands sprouting up, new spells... My old mind is overheating.  A cool mug of stout would sure cool me off.  That was a hint, kid."
** When a character is ID'd in game the faction will be displayed and if the same faction as yourself it will be green text, if an opposing faction, red text.
<font color=green><br><br>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font>
* [[Chat Interface|Global Chat Channels]]
<br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You know, right around the time the town crier guilds from the mainland and the Viamontian lands decided to merge, they invited me to join their new organization.  I guess they think I'm one of them because I sit here and try to tell it like it is.  But I'm not one of them.  I speak higher truths.  They're all so tediously absorbed in 'reality' and 'truth' and nonsense like that."
** Society Channel added for chat amongst other members of your faction.
<font color=green><br><br>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font>
* [[Loot System]]
<br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I hear there's even more going on at the Graveyard these days.  I even heard that the Graveyard's borders have expanded.  Pretty scary, isn't it?  You wouldn't think that, in a land where everyone's kinda immortal, that mortuaries would be a growth industry."
** Loot Tier 7 introduced.
<font color=green><br><br>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font>
** [[Olthoi Armor (Loot)]]
<br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ah, you've proven yourself worthy to join the Ancient and Benevolent Knights of the Empty Mug.  Feel free to go around and tell people that you're a Knight of the Empty Mug.  I'd show you our secret handshake, but really it only works when you're blind, stumbling drunk."
** [[Olthoi Alduressa Armor]].
<br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Just kidding!  Boy, how gullible are you?  There's no such secret society!  Really, the very idea."
** [[Olthoi Amuli Armor]]
<font color=green><br><br>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font>.
** [[Olthoi Celdon Armor]]
<br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Don't ask me how to get to Freebooter Isle.  It actually used to be my vacation home, before I lost the deed in a poker game.  I'm very bitter about it, and only the sweet sweet taste of stout makes me forget.  So no, I'm not going to tell you how to get there. I'll tell you where to go, all right, but you won't like it."
** [[Olthoi Koujia Armor]]
<font color=green><br><br>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font>
** New Max Weapon/Caster Stats
<br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I talked to one of those Society recruiters the other day.  Asked him why he joined his Society.  He said something about wanting to secure Dereth for the greater good, defending against outside threats.  He babbled a lot.  Finally I asked him what kind of beer they serve in the Society tavern, and he had the effrontery to call me a useless drunk!  So I teleported him over Fort Tethana. I'd rather be a useless drunk than a flattened pile of gore in the middle of Teth."
** See [[Loot#Weapons]] for the new max stats of tier 7 loot found in [[Mana Forge]] and [[Faction Stronghold]] chests.
<font color=green><br><br>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font>
** See the [[Ancient Powers#Images|Gallery]] below for examples of the new loot tier.
<br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Moarsman Island?  Yeah, I know how to get there.  You run west from here until you reach the coast, then take a left turn, follow the curve until it flattens out, then take a right and swim until you hit the shore of the new island.  Watch for the ziggurats.  Simple!  Why is it so hard for people to figure out?"
* New [[Item Sets]]
<font color=green><br><br>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font>
** [[Dedication Set]]
<br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yeah, I went up to Northwatch Castle once.  Met that fella Oswald there.  We played dice and drank a few rounds together, but ultimately I decided I didn't want to hang out there too long.  All the factional violence was starting to get a little off-putting, especially when someone got blood on my nice new white pants."
** [[Cold Proof Set]]
<font color=green><br><br>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font>
** [[Crafter's Set]]
<br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "So, did you see the Archmage in Candeth Keep? I hear her husband is out of the picture. She can buff me anytime! Hubba! Hubba!"
** [[Soldier's Set]]
<font color=green><br><br>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font>
** [[Reinforced Set]]
<br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You know my cousin MacTavish runs one of the black market outposts, right?  He's such a thief.  If it weren't for my other cousins MacDugal and MacNiall, MacTavish would be the black sheep of the family.  They're all black sheep too.  So maybe I'm the white sheep.  Or the grey sheep.  Yeah, my nephew Ardry would be the white sheep, if he weren't spattered with blood and mud all the time."
<br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Why are you so interested in sheep anyway?"
<font color=green><br><br>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font>
<br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ulgrim the Archmage, Master of Time and Space, Leader of the Virindi Resistance, Master Tinkerer, Seer of Truths, Lord of the Jewelry, Supreme Peppermint Cook, Celebrations Advisor to the Queen, Chess Grandmaster, the Shadow Tested, Virindi Regulator and Beer Lord. Yes, that fits nicely with my other titles."
<font color=green><br><br>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font>
<br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Feels like I've been here a hundred years.  The actual number is probably closer to 8 or 9 years, but yeah, it feels like a hundred years.  I think I'll perk myself up by trying to drink a hundred mugs of stout today.  A hundred stouts for a hundred years!  Doesn't that sound grand?"
<font color=green><br>Ulgrim interrupts his quiet conversation and yells, "That's right!  A hundred!  Who else can say a hundred!  No one's got the fortitude I do, to stand up to a hundred beers!"</font>
<font color=green><br><br>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font>
<br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yeah, you'll need a Mana Scarab to cast those fancy new spells.  Don't ask me how to get them.  Once I invented those new spells, I thought it would be too showy if I went around using them all the time, so I don't even carry a Mana Scarab with me.  I am the soul of moderation.  Now get me another drink, kid!"
<font color=green><br><br>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font>
<font color=green><br>Grand Masterful Poobah Ulgrim has accepted <Player Name> into the Order of the Empty Mug and conferred the title Happy Hundredth upon the lucky supplicant!</font>
<br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ooh, you're a lucky one, and you know why?  You've given me my hundredth stout of the day!  Or close enough, anyway.  I stopped counting after about fifty.  You actually get to join the Knights of the Empty Mug.  Membership confers no bonuses other than a neat title."
<br>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Here's a toast to you, kid."</font>

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==== Initiate Level Quests ====
==== Initiate Level Quests ====
* [[Shambling Archivist Destroyer]]
* [[Shambling Archivist Destroyer]]
* [[Damaging The Deep]]
* [[Dark Isle Delivery]]
* [[Defeating Vaeshok]]
* [[Defeating Vaeshok]]
* [[Undead Jaw Bone Collector Task]]
* [[Undead Jaw Collection]]
* [[Wight Blade Sorcerer Kill Task]]
* [[Wight Blade Sorcerer Kill Task]]
* [[Adept Test]] (Advancement Quest)
* [[Adept Test]] (Advancement Quest)

==== Adept Level Quests ====
==== Adept Level Quests ====
* [[Graveyard Package Delivery]]
* [[Graveyard Delivery]]
* [[Tracing The Stone]]
* [[Tracing The Stone]]
* [[The Dark Isle Crystal]]
* [[Dark Isle Scouting]]
* [[Falatacot Report Collector]]
* [[Falatacot Report Collector]]
* [[Black Coral Collector]]
* [[Black Coral Collection]]
* [[Knight Test]] (Advancement Quest)
* [[Knight Test]] (Advancement Quest)

Line 264: Line 215:
* [[High Priest of T'thuun Kill Task]]
* [[High Priest of T'thuun Kill Task]]
* [[Moarsman Spawning Pools]]
* [[Moarsman Spawning Pools]]
* [[Moarsman Shrine Artifacts]]
* [[Artifact Collection]]
* [[Master Test]] (Advancement Quest)
* [[Master Test]] (Advancement Quest)

==== Master Level Quests ====
==== Master Level Quests ====
* None
* None
=== Live Events ===
* [[2008/08 - Blighted Moarsmen Raids]]
** August 30th - ?
:<font color=green>A small horde of Blighted Moarsmen are attacking Shoushi! Help is requested!</font>
** September 1st - Leafcull
:<font color=green>A small horde of Blighted Moarsmen are attacking Qalaba’r! Help is requested!</font>

==== Updated Quests ====
==== Updated Quests ====
* [[Tainted Ley Line Nodes]] Updated - All six nodes completed and Node Golems in place for all servers.
* [[Tainted Ley Line Nodes]] Updated - All six nodes completed and Node Golems in place for all servers.
* [[Viamont Staging Area]] Updated - Upper level reqs removed, there are now individual NPCs in the house at 29.9N 27.3E in [[Glenden Wood]] for each of the three levels (80+, 100+, and 130+). Each stage has a unique title, allowing players to now gain all three.

=== New Locations ===
=== New Locations ===
* [[Ancient Cloister]] - 82.5S 96.1E on [[Ithaenc Island]] (150+)
* [[Ancient Cloister]] - 82.5S 96.1E on [[Ithaenc Island]] (150+)
* [[Bandit Magma Tubes]] - 54.4S 97.2E on [[Freebooter Isle]]
* [[Catacombs of Tar'Kelyn]] - 55.7S 97.7E on [[Freebooter Isle]]
* [[Celestial Hand Stronghold]] - 39.7S 83.6E in [[Hebian-To]] (180+)
* [[Celestial Hand Stronghold]] - 39.7S 83.6E in [[Hebian-To]] (180+)
* [[Corrupted Catacombs (Neydisa)]] - 74.7N, 18.4E near [[Neydisa Castle]] (180+) (bugged name, real name is Rouge Delvings)
* [[Corrupted Catacombs]] - 23.9S, 54.1E near [[Sawato]] (180+)
* [[Corrupted Catacombs (Sawato)]] - 23.9S, 54.1E near [[Sawato]] (180+)
* [[Eldrytch Web Stronghold]] - 26.3N, 49.6E in [[Cragstone]] (180+)
* [[Eldrytch Web Stronghold]] - 26.3N, 49.6E in [[Cragstone]] (180+)
* [[Freebooter Isle]] (access via [[Statue of Transport]] - 82.6S, 88.8E) (180+ [[Knight]] Faction Rank)
* [[Freebooter Keep]] - 64.0S 97.5E on [[Freebooter Isle]]
* [[Freebooter Keep Black Market]] - 64.2S 97.6E on [[Freebooter Isle]]
* [[Mana Forge]] - [[Cragstone]] - 25.7N 48.3E; [[Hebian-To]] - 39.8S 81.2E; [[Zaikhal]] - 13.4N 0.5E  
* [[Mana Forge]] - [[Cragstone]] - 25.7N 48.3E; [[Hebian-To]] - 39.8S 81.2E; [[Zaikhal]] - 13.4N 0.5E  
* [[Massilor's Crypt]] - 65.4S 43.6W in [[Graveyard]] (180+)
* [[Massilor's Crypt]] - 65.4S 43.6W in [[Graveyard]] (180+)
* [[Moarsman City]]
* [[Moarsmen Priory]] - from the [[Blighted Verdant Moarsman Tunnels]]
* [[Northwatch Castle]] - 81.5N, 25E near [[Neydisa Castle]]
* [[Northwatch Castle]] - 81.5N, 25E near [[Neydisa Castle]]
* [[Northwatch Castle Black Market]] - 81.5N 25E (Inside cave)
* [[Northwatch Castle Black Market]] - 81.5N 25E (Inside cave)
* [[Radiant Blood Stronghold]] - 12.8N, 0.7E in [[Zaikhal]] (180+)
* [[Radiant Blood Stronghold]] - 12.8N, 0.7E in [[Zaikhal]] (180+)
* [[Ruins of Degar'Alesh]] - 62.4S 96.0E on [[Freebooter Isle]]
* [[Rogue Delvings]] - 74.7N, 18.4E near [[Neydisa Castle]] (180+)
* [[Statue of Transport]] - 82.6S, 88.8E near [[Ithaenc Cathedral]]
* [[Statue of Transport]] - 82.6S, 88.8E near [[Ithaenc Cathedral]]
* [[The Pit of Heretics]] - 88.0S, 55.0W near [[Candeth Keep]]
* [[The Pit of Heretics]] - 88.0S, 55.0W near [[Candeth Keep]]
* [[Temple Door]]
* [[Vaeshok's Cave]]
* [[Wight Barrow]] - 65.3S 44.6W in [[Graveyard]] (No Req)
* [[Wight Barrow]] - 65.3S 44.6W in [[Graveyard]] (No Req)
* [[Freebooter Isle]] (access via [[Statue of Transport]] - 82.6S, 88.8E) (180+ [[Knight]] Faction Rank)
** [[Bandit Magma Tubes]] - 54.4S, 97.2E
** [[Catacombs of Tar'Kelyn]] - 55.7S, 97.7E
** [[Deru Tree of Degar'Alesh]]
** [[Freebooter Keep]] - 64.0S, 97.5E
** [[Freebooter Keep Black Market]] - 64.2S, 97.6E
** [[Ruins of Degar'Alesh]] - 62.4S, 96.0E
** [[Ithaenc Archipelago (Portal)]]
* [[Moarsman Island]]
** [[Acolyte's Chamber]]
** [[Artifact Collection]]
** [[Chamber of the High Priest's First]]
** [[Chamber of the High Priest's Second]]
** [[Chamber of the High Priest's Third]]
** [[Moarsman Spawning Pool]]s
** [[Temple of Tthuun]]
** [[Nyr'leha shrine]]s
*** 92.9S, 55.5W - [[Shrine of the Sacred Deep Water]]
*** 93.5S, 57.4W - [[Shrine of the Blood Pearl]]
*** 92.2S, 52.8W - [[Shrine of the Temple Horn]]
*** 92.6S, 54.1W - [[Shrine of the Coral's Heart]]
*** 91.0s, 51.9W - [[Shrine of the Eye of T'thuun]]
*** 92.5S, 48.6W - [[Shrine of the Skull of Mishfain]]
*** 93.3S, 51.0W - [[Shrine of the Finger Bone of Mishfain]]
*** 93.4S, 52.9W - [[Shrine of the Scroll of Prophecy]]
*** 92.2S, 51.2W - [[Shrine of Hagrafash's Tooth Necklace]]
*** 93.6S, 54.4W - [[Shrine of the Spear of Baalforth, the Slayer]]

==== Updated Locations ====
==== Updated Locations ====
Line 310: Line 291:
* [[Kirina of the Celestial Hand]] - 39.7S 83.6E in [[Hebian-To]]
* [[Kirina of the Celestial Hand]] - 39.7S 83.6E in [[Hebian-To]]
* [[Gaston Shadowbound]] - 59.8S 88.0W in [[Ayan Baqur]]
* [[Gaston Shadowbound]] - 59.8S 88.0W in [[Ayan Baqur]]
* [[Massilor the Withered]]

===== [[Northwatch Castle Black Market]] NPCs =====
===== [[Northwatch Castle Black Market]] NPCs =====
Line 484: Line 466:

=== New Items ===
=== New Items ===
==== <small>Spell Components:</small> ====
==== [[Spell Components]] ====
:'''''See [[Spell Research]] for a list of the new spell components and their usage.'''''
:'''''See [[Spell Research]] for a list of the new spell components and their usage.'''''

==== <small>Loot Chests:</small> ====
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Chests]]
:{|border=0 cellpadding=5
| Mana Forge Advanced Equipment Chest
| [[Image:Mana Forge Advanced Equipment Chest Icon.png]] || [[Mana Forge Advanced Equipment Chest]]
| Mana Forge Armor Chest
| [[Image:Mana Forge Armor Chest Icon.png]] || [[Mana Forge Armor Chest]]
| Mana Forge Magic Chest
| [[Image:Mana Forge Magic Chest Icon.png]] || [[Mana Forge Magic Chest]]
| Mana Forge Mixed Equipment Chest
| Mana Forge Weapon Chest
| [[Image:Mana Forge Mixed Equipment Chest Icon.png]] || [[Mana Forge Mixed Equipment Chest]]
| Shard Mana Forge Equipment Chest
| [[Image:Mana Forge Weapon Chest Icon.png]] || [[Mana Forge Weapon Chest]]
| Researcher's Chest
| [[Image:Shard Mana Forge Equipment Chest Icon.png]] || [[Shard Mana Forge Equipment Chest]]
| Weapon Quartermaster's Chest
| Equipment Quartermaster's Chest
| [[Image:Researcher's Chest Icon.png]] || [[Researcher's Chest]]
| Armor Quartermaster's Chest
| [[Image:Weapon Quartermaster's Chest Icon.png]] || [[Weapon Quartermaster's Chest]]
| Shard Mana Forge Key
| [[Image:Equipment Quartermaster's Chest Icon.png]] || [[Equipment Quartermaster's Chest]]
| Mana Forge Key
| [[Image:Armor Quartermaster's Chest Icon.png]] || [[Armor Quartermaster's Chest]]

==== <small>[[Celestial Hand]]:</small> ====
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Celestial Hand]]
:{|border=0 cellpadding=5
| Celestial Hand Armor Writ
| Celestial Hand Banner
| Celestial Hand Initiate Armor Writ
| Celestial Hand Initiate's Handbook
| Celestial Hand Stronghold Portal Gem
| Writ of Authorization
| Celestial Hand Trade Token
| Celestial Hand Commendation Ribbon
| Celestial Hand Helm Key
| Celestial Hand Sollerets Key

| [[Image:Celestial Hand Armor Writ Icon.png]] || [[Celestial Hand Armor Writ]]
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Eldrytch Web]]
| [[Image:Celestial Hand Banner Icon.png]] || [[Celestial Hand Banner]]
| Eldrytch Web Armor Writ
| [[Image:Celestial Hand Initiate Armor Writ Icon.png]] || [[Celestial Hand Initiate Armor Writ]]
| Eldrytch Web Banner
| Eldrytch Web Initiate Armor Writ
| [[Image:Celestial Hand Initiate's Handbook Icon.png]] || [[Celestial Hand Initiate's Handbook]]
| Eldrytch Web Initiate's Handbook
| [[Image:Celestial Hand Sollerets Key Icon.png]] || [[Celestial Hand Sollerets Key]]
| Eldrytch Web Stronghold Portal Gem
| [[Image:Celestial Hand Stronghold Recall Gem Icon.png]] || [[Celestial Hand Stronghold Recall Gem]]
| Writ of Authorization
| Eldrytch Web Trade Token
| [[Image:Writ of Authorization Icon.png]] || [[Writ of Authorization]]
| Eldrytch Web Commendation Ribbon
| [[Image:Celestial Hand Trade Token Icon.png]] || [[Celestial Hand Trade Token]]
| Eldrytch Web Gauntlets Key
| [[Image:Celestial Hand Commendation Ribbon Icon.png]] || [[Celestial Hand Commendation Ribbon]]

==== <small>[[Eldrytch Web]]:</small> ====
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Radiant Blood]]
:{|border=0 cellpadding=5
| Radiant Blood Initiate Armor Writ
| [[Image:Eldrytch Web Armor Writ Icon.png]] || [[Eldrytch Web Armor Writ]]
| Radiant Blood Armor Writ
| [[Image:Eldrytch Web Banner Icon.png]] || [[Eldrytch Web Banner]]
| Writ of Authorization
| [[Image:Eldrytch Web Initiate Armor Writ Icon.png]] || [[Eldrytch Web Initiate Armor Writ]]
| Radiant Blood Initiate's Handbook
| Radiant Blood Stronghold Portal Gem
| [[Image:Eldrytch Web Initiate's Handbook Icon.png]] || [[Eldrytch Web Initiate's Handbook]]
| Radiant Blood Banner
| [[Image:Eldrytch Web Gauntlets Key Icon.png]] || [[Eldrytch Web Gauntlets Key]]
| Radiant Blood Trade Token
| [[Image:Eldrytch Web Stronghold Portal Gem Icon.png]] || [[Eldrytch Web Stronghold Portal Gem]]
| Radiant Blood Commendation Ribbon
| Radiant Blood Breastplate Key
| [[Image:Writ of Authorization Icon.png]] || [[Writ of Authorization]]
| Radiant Blood Girth Key
| [[Image:Eldrytch Web Trade Token Icon.png]] || [[Eldrytch Web Trade Token]]
| Radiant Blood Greaves Key
| [[Image:Eldrytch Web Commendation Ribbon Icon.png]] || [[Eldrytch Web Commendation Ribbon]]
| Radiant Blood Gauntlets Key
| Radiant Blood Helm Key
| Radiant Blood Pauldrons Key
| Radiant Blood Sollerets Key
| Radiant Blood Tassets Key
| Radiant Blood Vambraces Key
| Radiant Blood Sollerets Chest
| Radiant Blood Breastplate Chest
| Radiant Blood Gauntlets Chest
| Radiant Blood Greaves Chest
| Radiant Blood Tassets Chest
| Radiant Blood Vambraces Chest
| Radiant Blood Pauldrons Chest
| Radiant Blood Girth Chest
| Radiant Blood Helm Chest

==== <small>[[Radiant Blood]]:</small> ====
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Northwatch Castle]]
:{|border=0 cellpadding=5
| Creeping Blight Banner of the Courtyard
| [[Image:Radiant Blood Initiate Armor Writ Icon.png]] || [[Radiant Blood Initiate Armor Writ]]
| Creeping Blight Banner of the Spire
| [[Image:Radiant Blood Armor Writ Icon.png]] || [[Radiant Blood Armor Writ]]
| Creeping Blight Banner of the Tower
| [[Image:Writ of Authorization Icon.png]] || [[Writ of Authorization]]
| Celestial Hand Banner of the Courtyard
| Celestial Hand Banner of the Spire
| [[Image:Radiant Blood Initiate's Handbook Icon.png]] || [[Radiant Blood Initiate's Handbook]]
| Celestial Hand Banner of the Tower
| [[Image:Radiant Blood Stronghold Portal Gem Icon.png]] || [[Radiant Blood Stronghold Portal Gem]]
| Eldrytch Web Banner of the Courtyard
| [[Image:Radiant Blood Banner Icon.png]] || [[Radiant Blood Banner]]
| Eldrytch Web Banner of the Spire
| Eldrytch Web Banner of the Tower
| [[Image:Radiant Blood Trade Token Icon.png]] || [[Radiant Blood Trade Token]]
| Radiant Blood Banner of the Courtyard
| [[Image:Radiant Blood Commendation Ribbon Icon.png]] || [[Radiant Blood Commendation Ribbon]]
| Radiant Blood Banner of the Spire
| Radiant Blood Banner of the Tower

==== <small>[[Northwatch Castle]]:</small> ====
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Northwatch Castle Black Market]]
:{|border=0 cellpadding=5
| Raider Lightning Arrow
| [[Image:Creeping Blight Banner of the Courtyard Icon.png]] || [[Creeping Blight Banner of the Courtyard]]
| Raider Lightning Bolt
| [[Image:Creeping Blight Banner of the Spire Icon.png]] || [[Creeping Blight Banner of the Spire]]
| Raider Lightning Spike
| [[Image:Creeping Blight Banner of the Tower Icon.png]] || [[Creeping Blight Banner of the Tower]]
| Raider Lightning Atlatl Dart
| Wrapped Bundle of Raider Lightning Arrowheads
| [[Image:Celestial Hand Banner of the Courtyard Icon.png]] || [[Celestial Hand Banner of the Courtyard]]
| Black Market Gem of Dispelling
| [[Image:Celestial Hand Banner of the Spire Icon.png]] || [[Celestial Hand Banner of the Spire]]
| Pursuit Orb
| [[Image:Celestial Hand Banner of the Tower Icon.png]] || [[Celestial Hand Banner of the Tower]]
| Black Market Health Elixir
| Black Market Mana Elixir
| [[Image:Eldrytch Web Banner of the Courtyard Icon.png]] || [[Eldrytch Web Banner of the Courtyard]]
| Black Market Advancement Gem
| [[Image:Eldrytch Web Banner of the Spire Icon.png]] || [[Eldrytch Web Banner of the Spire]]
| [[Image:Eldrytch Web Banner of the Tower Icon.png]] || [[Eldrytch Web Banner of the Tower]]
| [[Image:Radiant Blood Banner of the Courtyard Icon.png]] || [[Radiant Blood Banner of the Courtyard]]
| [[Image:Radiant Blood Banner of the Spire Icon.png]] || [[Radiant Blood Banner of the Spire]]
| [[Image:Radiant Blood Banner of the Tower Icon.png]] || [[Radiant Blood Banner of the Tower]]

==== <small>[[Northwatch Castle Black Market]]:</small> ====
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Initiate Quests]]
:{|border=0 cellpadding=5
| Slimy Key
| [[Image:Raider Lightning Arrow Icon.png]] || [[Raider Lightning Arrow]]
| Corrupted Mana Shard
| [[Image:Raider Lightning Bolt Icon.png]] || [[Raider Lightning Bolt]]
| Initiate's Treasure Key
| [[Image:Raider Lightning Spike Icon.png]] || [[Raider Lightning Spike]]
| Altered Dark Remoran Fin
| Pyre Skeleton Jaw
| [[Image:Raider Lightning Atlatl Dart Icon.png]] || [[Raider Lightning Atlatl Dart]]
| Donnarion's Key
| [[Image:Wrapped Bundle of Raider Lightning Arrowheads Icon.png]] || [[Wrapped Bundle of Raider Lightning Arrowheads]]
| Haroush's Key
| [[Image:Black Market Gem of Dispelling Icon.png]] || [[Black Market Gem of Dispelling]]
| Joroshi's Key
| Benedino's Letter
| [[Image:Pursuit Orb Icon.png]] || [[Pursuit Orb]]
| Lens of Filinuvekta
| [[Image:Black Market Health Elixir Icon.png]] || [[Black Market Health Elixir]]
| Adept's Treasure Key
| [[Image:Black Market Mana Elixir Icon.png]] || [[Black Market Mana Elixir]]
| [[Image:Black Market Advancement Gem Icon.png]] || [[Black Market Advancement Gem]]

==== <small>Initiate Quests:</small> ====
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Adept Quests]]
:{|border=0 cellpadding=5
| Falatacot Battle Report
| [[Image:Slimy Key Icon.png]] || [[Slimy Key]]
| Mhoire Carved Cenotaph
| [[Image:Corrupted Mana Shard Icon.png]] || [[Corrupted Mana Shard]]
| Archaeologist's Tracing Paper
| [[Image:Initiate's Treasure Key Icon.png]] || [[Initiate's Treasure Key]]
| Imprinted Archaeologist's Paper
| [[Image:Altered Dark Remoran Fin Icon.png]] || [[Altered Dark Remoran Fin]]
| Crystal of Perception
| Rock (Dark Isle)
| [[Image:Pyre Skeleton Jaw Icon.png]] || [[Pyre Skeleton Jaw]]
| Supplies for Massilor
| [[Image:Donnarion's Key Icon.png]] || [[Donnarion's Key]]
| Black Coral
| [[Image:Haroush's Key Icon.png]] || [[Haroush's Key]]
| Leatherbound Journal
| [[Image:Joroshi's Key Icon.png]] || [[Joroshi's Key]]
| Knight's Treasure Key
| Aged Falatacot Scroll
| [[Image:Benedino's Letter Icon.png]] || [[Benedino's Letter]]
| Stained Falatacot Scroll
| [[Image:Lens of Filinuvekta Icon.png]] || [[Lens of Filinuvekta]]
| Tattered Falatacot Scroll
| [[Image:Adept's Treasure Key Icon.png]] || [[Adept's Treasure Key]]
| Worn Falatacot Scroll
| ||
| Wrinkled Falatacot Scroll
| Rituals of Purification
| The Blessed Trees
| The Circle of Giving
| A Delicate Web
| The Darkest Roots

==== <small>Adept Quests:</small> ====
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Knight Quests]]
:{|border=0 cellpadding=5
| Glowing Jungle Lily
| [[Image:Falatacot Battle Report Icon.png]] || [[Falatacot Battle Report]]
| Glowing Moar Gland
| [[Image:Mhoire Carved Cenotaph Icon.png]] || [[Mhoire Carved Cenotaph]]
| Mana-Infused Jungle Flower
| [[Image:Archaeologist's Tracing Paper Icon.png]] || [[Archaeologist's Tracing Paper]]
| Amulet of T'thuun
| [[Image:Imprinted Archaeologist's Paper Icon.png]] || [[Imprinted Archaeologist's Paper]]
| Blood of T'thuun
| Dagger of T'thuun
| [[Image:Crystal of Perception Icon.png]] || [[Crystal of Perception]]
| Brood Mother's Reckoning
| [[Image:Supplies for Massilor Icon.png]] || [[Supplies for Massilor]]
| Lord's Treasure Key
| [[Image:Black Coral Icon.png]] || [[Black Coral]]
| [[Image:Leatherbound Journal Icon.png]] || [[Leatherbound Journal]]
| [[Image:Knight's Treasure Key Icon.png]] || [[Knight's Treasure Key]]
| [[Image:Aged Falatacot Scroll Icon.png]] || [[Aged Falatacot Scroll]]
| [[Image:Stained Falatacot Scroll Icon.png]] || [[Stained Falatacot Scroll]]
| [[Image:Tattered Falatacot Scroll Icon.png]] || [[Tattered Falatacot Scroll]]
| [[Image:Worn Falatacot Scroll Icon.png]] || [[Worn Falatacot Scroll]]
| [[Image:Wrinkled Falatacot Scroll Icon.png]] || [[Wrinkled Falatacot Scroll]]

==== <small>Knight Quests:</small> ====
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Lord Quests]]
:{|border=0 cellpadding=5
| Blood Pearl
| [[Image:Glowing Jungle Lily Icon.png]] || [[Glowing Jungle Lily]]
| Coral's Heart
| [[Image:Glowing Moar Gland Icon.png]] || [[Glowing Moar Gland]]
| Eye of T'thuun
| [[Image:Mana-Infused Jungle Flower Icon.png]] || [[Mana-Infused Jungle Flower]]
| Finger Bone of Mishfain
| ||
| Hagrafash Tooth Necklace
| Holy Symbol
| [[Image:Amulet of T'thuun Icon.png]] || [[Amulet of T'thuun]]
| Kothmox's Staff
| [[Image:Blood of T'thuun Icon.png]] || [[Blood of T'thuun]]
| Shrine of the Temple Horn
| [[Image:Dagger of T'thuun Icon.png]] || [[Dagger of T'thuun]]
| Sacred Deep Water
| [[Image:Brood Mother's Reckoning Icon.png]] || [[Brood Mother's Reckoning]]
| Scroll of Prophecy
| Skull of Mishfain
| Spear of Baalfroth, the Slayer
| Temple Horn
| Ancient Falatacot Tome of Light
| Skith'Kirit's Severed Head
| Titanic Dericost Mnemosyne
| Skith'Kirit's Key
| Armory Key
| Master's Treasure Key
| Vault Key

==== <small>Lord Quests:</small> ====
{{Item Table|Caption=Miscellaneous
:{|border=0 cellpadding=5
| Mana Foci
| [[Image:Blood Pearl Icon.png]] || [[Blood Pearl]]
| Pristine Mana Shard
| [[Image:Coral's Heart Icon.png]] || [[Coral's Heart]]
| Ornate Armor Writ
| [[Image:Eye of T'thuun Icon.png]] || [[Eye of T'thuun]]
| Society Gem of Dispelling
| [[Image:Finger Bone of Mishfain Icon.png]] || [[Finger Bone of Mishfain]]
| Coral Hollow
| Giant Jungle Phyntos Wasp Stinger
| [[Image:Hagrafash Tooth Necklace Icon.png]] || [[Hagrafash Tooth Necklace]]
| Reefhunter's Reckoning
| [[Image:Sacred Deep Water Icon.png]] || [[Sacred Deep Water]]
| Electric Baton
| [[Image:Scroll of Prophecy Icon.png]] || [[Scroll of Prophecy]]
| Lightning Longbow
| [[Image:Skull of Mishfain Icon.png]] || [[Skull of Mishfain]]
| T'thuun Bow
| T'thuun Claw
| [[Image:Spear of Baalfroth, the Slayer Icon.png]] || [[Spear of Baalfroth, the Slayer]]
| T'thuun Dagger
| [[Image:Temple Horn Icon.png]] || [[Temple Horn]]
| T'thuun Mace
| T'thuun Shield
| [[Image:Ancient Falatacot Tome of Light Icon.png]] || [[Ancient Falatacot Tome of Light]]
| T'thuun Spear
| [[Image:Skith'Kirit's Severed Head Icon.png]] || [[Skith'Kirit's Severed Head]]
| T'thuun Sword
| [[Image:Titanic Dericost Mnemosyne Icon.png]] || [[Titanic Dericost Mnemosyne]]
==== <small>Miscellaneous:</small> ====
* [[Image:Pristine Mana Shard Icon.png]] [[Pristine Mana Shard]]
* [[Image:Shard Mana Forge Key Icon.png]] [[Shard Mana Forge Key]]
* [[Image:Society Gem of Dispelling Icon.png]] [[Society Gem of Dispelling]]
* [[Image:Society Treasure Key Icon.png]] [[Society Treasure Key]]
* [[Image:Coral Hollow Icon.png]] [[Coral Hollow]]
* [[Image:Giant Jungle Phyntos Wasp Stinger icon.PNG]] [[Giant Jungle Phyntos Wasp Stinger]]
* [[Image:Reefhunter's Reckoning Icon.png]] [[Reefhunter's Reckoning]]


=== New [[Item Sets]] ===
=== New [[Spells]] ===
* [[Item Sets#Dedication Set|Dedication Set]]
{{Icon Link|Mana Scarab}}
* [[Item Sets#Cold Proof Set|Cold Proof Set]]
* [[Item Sets#Crafter's Set|Crafter's Set]]
* [[Item Sets#Soldier's Set|Soldier's Set]]
* [[Item Sets#Reinforced Set|Reinforced Set]]

=== New Spells ===
''See [[Spell Research]] for scroll creation''
''See [[Spell Research]] for scroll creation''

* [[Incantation of Nullify All Magic Self]] (Dispels VIII and below)
* [[Incantation of Nullify All Magic Self]] (Dispels VIII and below)

==== <small>Creature Magic</small> ====
==== [[Creature Magic]] ====
''See [[VIII Creature Scrolls]] for a complete list of player castable spells.''
* [[Epic Endurance]] (+20 Endurance)
* [[Epic Endurance]] (+20 Endurance)
* [[Epic Dagger Aptitude]] (+20 Dagger Skill)
* [[Epic Dagger Aptitude]] (+20 Dagger Skill)
* [[Epic Jumping Prowess]] (+20 Jumping Skill)
* [[Epic Jumping Prowess]] (+20 Jumping Skill)
* [[Epic War Magic Aptitude]] (+20 War Magic)
* [[Epic War Magic Aptitude]] (+20 War Magic)
* [[Incantation of Creature Enchantment Mastery Self]] (+45 Creature Magic)
* [[Incantation of Endurance Self]] (+45 Endurance)
* [[Incantation of Person Attunement Self]] (+45 Assess Person)
* [[Incantation of Sprint Self]] (+45 Run)
* [[Incantation of Strength Self]] (+45 Strength)
* [[Society Initiate's Blessing]] (+2 to all Attributes)
* [[Society Initiate's Blessing]] (+2 to all Attributes)
* [[Society Adept's Blessing]] (+4 to all Attributes)
* [[Society Knight's Blessing]] (+6 to all Attributes)
* [[Society Lord's Blessing]] (+8 to all Attributes)
* [[Society Master's Blessing]] (+10 to all Attributes)

==== <small>Item Magic</small> ====
==== [[Item Magic]] ====
''See [[VIII Item Scrolls]] for a complete list of player castable spells.''
* [[Epic Acid Bane]] (+20% Acid)
* [[Epic Acid Bane]] (+20% Acid)
* [[Epic Blood Thirst]] (+7 Damage)
* [[Epic Blood Thirst]] (+7 Damage)
* [[Epic Defender]] (+7% Melee)
* [[Epic Defender]] (+7% Melee)
* [[Epic Heart Thirst]] (+7% Attack)
* [[Epic Slashing Bane]] (+20% Slashing)
* [[Epic Slashing Bane]] (+20% Slashing)
* [[Incantation of Blade Bane]] (Slashing +200%)
* [[Incantation of Blood Drinker]] (+24 Damage) (not player castable)
* [[Incantation of Blood Drinker]] (+24 Damage)
* [[Incantation of Spirit Drinker]] (+7% Elemental Damage) (Same as VII) (not player castable)
* [[Incantation of Bludgeon Bane]] (Bludgeoning +200%)
* [[Incantation of Flame Bane]] (Fire +200%)
* [[Incantation of Heart Seeker]] (+20% Attack)
* [[Incantation of Hermetic Link]] (+80% to Mana Conversion Modifier)
* [[Incantation of Impenetrability]] (+220 AL) (Same as VII)
* [[Incantation of Lightning Bane]] (Electric +200%)
* [[Incantation of Piercing Bane]] (Piercing +200%)
* [[Incantation of Spirit Drinker]] (+7% Elemental Damage) (Same as VII)
* [[Incantation of Swift Killer]] (Speed lowered by 80)

==== <small>Life Magic</small> ====
==== [[Life Magic]] ====
''See [[VIII Life Scrolls]] for a complete list of player castable spells.''
* [[Epic Armor]] (+60 Armor)
* [[Epic Armor]] (+60 Armor)
* [[Incantation of Acid Protection Self]] (Reduce Acid damage 70%)
* [[Incantation of Blade Protection Self]] (Reduce Slashing damage 70%)
* [[Incantation of Bludgeoning Protection Self]] (Reduce Bludgeoning damage 70%)
* [[Incantation of Cold Protection Self]] (Reduce Cold damage 70%)
* [[Incantation of Fire Protection Self]] (Reduce Fire damage 70%)
* [[Incantation of Heal Other]] (Restores 90-180 Health)
* [[Incantation of Lightning Protection Self]] (Reduce Electrical damage 70%)
* [[Incantation of Piercing Protection Self]] (Reduce Piercing damage 70%)
* [[Raider Tag]] (Drain 1-2 Health)
* [[Raider Tag]] (Drain 1-2 Health)

==== <small>War Magic</small> ====
==== [[War Magic]] ====
* [[Incantation of Force Bolt]] - ??
''See [[VIII War Scrolls]] for a complete list of player castable spells.''
* [[Incantation of Shock Blast]] - (Five waves 45-90 bludgeon)
* [[Incantation of Shock Wave]] - (Single bolt doing 135-195 Bludgeoning Damage)
* [[Incantation of Acid Stream]] - (Single bolt dealing 135-195 Acid Damage)

=== New Scrolls ===
=== New [[Scrolls]] ===
''See [[Spell Research#Scroll List|Spell Research Scroll List]]''
''See [[Spell Research#Scroll List|Spell Research Scroll List]]''
=== New Max Weapon/Caster Stats ===
The table below records the maximums of items '''found up to now''' (these values will change over the next week or two as we find more VIII loot. If you've found an item or seen an item with your own eyes with higher stats than what is currently in the table please update the table.
{|border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 style=background:#F0F0F0
| [[Axe]]<br>Hammer
| <br>24.75 - 49
| <br>+20%
| <br>Base Axe: 420
| [[Dagger]]
| 18.9 - 27
| +17%
| +19%
| +4 missle
| Base Dagger: 420
| [[Mace]]<br>Jitte
| <br>26.4 - 44
| +19%<br>+20%
| +4%
| Base Mace: 420
| [[Spear]]
| 18.9 - 42
| +16%
| +20%
| Base Spear: 420
| [[Staff]]
| 13.5 - 27
| +20%
| Base Staff: 420
| [[Sword]]
| 36 - 60
| +3.5%
| Base Sword: 420
| [[UA Weapon]]
| 14 - 28
| +20%
| +24%
| Base UA: 420
{|border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 style=background:#F0F0F0
!Damage Mod
!Elemental Bonus
!PvP Bonus
| [[Bow]]
| +15
| +19%
| +3.0
| Base 375 to wield; 390 bow to activate
| [[Crossbow]]
|  +16
|  +19%
| Base 375 to wield; 390 xbow to activate
| [[Thrown Weapon]]
| +20%
|  Base 375 to wield
{|border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 style=background:#F0F0F0
!Caster Type
| Staff
| +11%
| +20%
| Base War Magic: 375
=== New Loot Gallery ===
Examples of loot items from the new loot tier:
| [[Image:Tier 8 Loot - Ivory Jitte.jpg|thumb]]
| [[Image:Tier 8 Loot - Ruby Acid Dericost Blade.jpg|thumb]]
| [[Image:Tier 8 Loot - Ivory Knuckles.jpg|thumb]]
| [[Image:Tier 8 Loot - Silver Covenant Breastplate.jpg|thumb]]
| [[Image:Tier 8 Loot - Silk Shirt.jpg|thumb]]
| [[Image:Tier 8 Loot - Ivory Heavy Bracelet.jpg|thumb]]
| [[Image:Tier 8 Loot - Silver Olthoi Bracers.JPG|thumb]]
| [[Image:Tier 8 Loot - Copper Slashing Staff.jpg|thumb]]
| [[Image:Tier 8 Loot - Gold Tenassa Sleeves.JPG|thumb]]
| [[Image:Alduressa Olthoi Helm.JPG]]
| [[Image:Koujia Olthoi Helm.JPG]]


=== New [[Titles]] ===
=== New [[Titles]] ===
* [[Ulgrim the Unpleasant|Ulgrim's Happy Hundredth]]
* Ulgrim's Happy Hundredth - <font color=green>Grand Masterful Poobah Ulgrim has accepted <Your Name> into the Order of the Empty Mug and conferred the title Happy Hundredth upon the lucky supplicant!</font><br> In commemoration of the 100th patch (may only be available this month).
:<font color=green>Grand Masterful Poobah Ulgrim has accepted <Your Name> into the Order of the Empty Mug and conferred the title Happy Hundredth upon the lucky supplicant!</font>
<br> In commemoration of the 100th patch (may only be available this month).
=== Misc. ===
* <font color=cornflowerblue>The Temples of Forgetfulness and Enlightenment have had the timer for their use reset due to gameplay changes made in the August 2008 update.</font><br>
* When a character is ID'd in game the faction will be displayed and if the same faction as yourself it will be green text, if an opposing faction, red text.
* Society Channel added for chat amongst other members of your faction. Make sure you have both the Society Channel checked on the Chat panel for the Main Window Chat (or the window you follow chat in) and Listen to Society Chat checked in the Character Options panel (at the bottom).
**/leave society - Leave the Society chat channel.
**/join society - Enter the Society chat channel.
**/society - Sends a message to your Society chat channel. Also: /soc or @soc
* A global goes out when a land control location is captured.
:<font color=green>The Society of the Radiant Blood has claimed Freebooter Keep!  Those members of the Society of the Radiant Blood may now use the resources contained within the castle!</font><br>
* After 72 hours (3 days) the flags revert. There are global warnings given at 60, 30 and 10 minutes before:
:<font color=green>Northwatch Castle will fall to the Creeping Blight in 30 minutes!</font><br>
:<font color=green>Northwatch Castle will fall to the Creeping Blight in 10 minutes!</font><br>
* During the battle, there are regular local updates:
<blockquote><font color=green><Player> has destroyed the Eldrytch Web Banner of the Tower! Control of this location has been lost to the Creeping Blight, for now.</font><br>
<font color=green>The Eldrytch Web Banner of the Spire will become claimed in two minutes!</font><br>
<font color=green>The Eldrytch Web Banner of the Courtyard will become claimed in two minutes!</font><br>
<font color=green><Player> has claimed the Creeping Blight Banner of the Tower for the Society of the Eldrytch Web!</font><br>
<font color=green>The Eldrytch Web Banner of the Tower will remain in a contested state for 5 minutes. After that time, the Eldrytch Web Banner of the Tower will become claimed and begin repairing any damage done to itself! If at any point the Eldrytch Web Banner of the Tower is destroyed, the location will revert to the control of the Creeping Blight.</font><br>
<font color=green>The Eldrytch Web Banner of the Courtyard will become claimed in one minute!</font><br>
<font color=green>The Eldrytch Web Banner of the Spire has been successfully claimed! At this point, the Eldrytch Web Banner of the Spire may still be destroyed, but it will regularly repair some of the damage done to it!</font><br>
<font color=green>The Eldrytch Web Banner of the Tower will become claimed in two minutes!</font><br>
<font color=green>The Eldrytch Web Banner of the Tower has been successfully claimed! At this point, the Eldrytch Web Banner of the Tower may still be destroyed, but it will regularly repair some of the damage done to it!</font><br>
<font color=green>The Society of the Eldrytch Web has claimed Freebooter Keep! Those members of the Society of the Eldrytch Web may now use the resources contained within the castle!</font><br></blockquote>


=== New Creatures ===
=== Portal.dat ===
'''[[Blighted Moarsman]]
:[[File:Portaldat 200808.png|300px]]
:* [[Blind Keeper]]
:* [[Brood Mother]]
:* [[Gate Watcher]]
:* [[Mogshuth Moarsman]]
:* [[Moguth Moarsman]]
:* [[Spawn]]
:* [[Spawn Watcher]]
:* [[Spawnling]]
[[Image:Human icon.png]] '''[[Human]]'''
:* [[Assassin#Level 215|Assassin]]
:* [[Bandit Mana Hunter]]
:* [[Bandit Mana Hunter Boss]]
:* [[Benedino]]
:* [[Captain Donnarion]]
:* [[Captain Haroush]]
:* [[Captain Joroshi]]
:* [[Celestial Hand Scout]]
:* [[Eldrytch Web Scout]]
:* [[Radiant Blood Scout]]
[[Image:Moar icon.png]] '''[[Moar]]'''
:* [[Ardent Moar]]
:* [[Blessed Moar]]
:* [[Verdant Moar]]
[[Image:Moarsman icon.png]] '''[[Moarsman]]'''
:* [[Ardent Moarsman]]
:* [[Blessed Moarsman]]
:* [[Verdant Moarsman]]
[[Image:Niffis icon.png]] '''[[Niffis]]'''
:* [[Ashris Niffis]]
[[Image:Phyntos Wasp icon.png]] '''[[Phyntos Wasp]]'''
:* [[Giant Jungle Phyntos Wasp]]
[[Image:Sclavus icon.png]] '''[[Sclavus]]'''
:* [[Afessa Sclavus Soldier]]
:* [[Sclavus Acolyte of T'thuun]]
:* [[Siessa Sclavus Soldier]]
'''[[Shallows Shark]]'''
:* [[Great Devourer]]
[[Image:Undead icon.png]] '''[[Undead]]'''
:* [[Shambling Archivist]]
:* [[Vaeshok]]
:* [[Coral Tower]]

=== Live Events ===
* August 30th - A small horde of Blighted Moarsmen are attacking Shoushi! Help is requested!
** [[Image:Hero Token Icon.png]] [[Hero Token]]
** [[Image:Blighted Moarsmen Scale Icon.png]] [[Blighted Moarsmen Scale]]
* September 1st - Leafcull - A small horde of Blighted Moarsmen are attacking Qalaba’r! Help is requested!

=== Developer Comments ===
=== New [[Creatures]] ===
<div style="background-color:#E0E0E0; border:2px solid #C0C0C0;width:80%;padding:30px;margin-bottom:20px;margin-left:5%;margin-right:10%;">
[ '''Link''']
Okay, you seem to have a lot of commentary on the two capturable keeps, and a lot of questions. Let's see what I can do to address them. This will be long, so I'll break it into sections.
'''Keep Timers and Black Market Rewards:'''
:First off, the now evidently infamous timers. The three day timer was put in place so that we could add quests, temp items, etc. to the Black Markets that would give a notable but temporary advantage to the Society that controlled one of the Black Markets. Unfortunately, many of the things we wanted to get in to the Markets for the 100th Update didn't make it in before we ran out of time. Some of them will make it in for September; some will make it in after that. Rest assured, however, that the value of holding a Keep will increase, so, to the Black Markets not yet being vital to own, my apologies. They will be getting better.
:If I were to go in and change the mechanic so that a Keep could change hands at will, with the reward mechanics staying in as implemented or planned, the likeliest scenario you would see is the Societies trading the Keeps so that everyone had the items and rewards, thus eliminating the value of holding a keep at all.
:At this point, we will discuss the possibility of changing the timers, but do realize, we will also then need to address the rewards going into the Black Markets, to make it worthwhile to hold a keep without creating a situation where the markets are simply traded back and forth with no need for conflict. This is not something we would create a hotfix to change quickly.
:To address some of the suggestions where a Society gets dynamic benefits for the time they actually hold the Fort, and which fade as soon as the fort is lost. Such benefits are not supported by AC's existing tech, and will probably require an immense amount of Severlin's time to get working. We've debated such things, and they are still being investigated, but they are not simple to get in, and you sadly won't see them in the near future.
'''The actual Mechanic of the PK Keeps:'''
:Right now, partly due to the tech limitations I had to design around, the keeps work basically thus:
:1) The Keep starts in a neutral state.
:2) A PK Member of one of the Societies 'claims' the neutral flags, turning them into flags for their Society.
:2a) These 'Contested' banners are killable by PKs only.
:3) Once all three Banner Locations have been set to the same Society for at least 5 minutes, that Society gains control of the town for the next 72 hours.
:4) At the end of the 72 hours, the Keep reverts to neutral, and the process starts over.
:Now, to some of the specifics, there are world broadcasts when a keep is taken, and several, at intervals, when a keep is about to fall to the Creeping Blight (The Moarsmen and Sclavus 'Society'). The Broadcast you saw when Northwatch Castle, which actually referred to both locations by name, was because the second keep, Freebooter Keep, was still held by the Creeping Blight.
:A Society may only hold one Keep, so, once you figure out how to get access the second keep's location, 2 Societies can hold a keep, and one is out, at any given point. This was done because if one society could hold both Keeps, then everyone would indeed just join one Society, removing the entire point of adding the towns at all.
'''Something Dynamic to fight over:'''
:There are actually plans to put in a place where control is held by ownership of a number of control points, and those points can be disrupted at any time. This, sadly, didn't make it in for the 100th update, but we are still planning on getting it in.
:For those familiar with it, the mechanic will work in a similar fashion to LotRO's Delving of F'ror (Frore?), where the group owning the majority of the points will have access to a central area where you will find quest, rewards, and general advantages over everyone else. For those unfamiliar with LotRO, the basic mechanic is thus: There are a number of points, in their case, Keeps, filled with guards. Killing the boss of the Keep places the Keep under your side’s control. No timers, etc. Just kill the boss, claim the Keep. Whichever side holds the most Keeps gets access to the dungeon. The big differences being that there will be three sides fighting for the place, not two, and the control points and the central area you control may or may not have anything in common with LotRO's design. We're using the concept, not the place.
:This will likely take a while to get working fully, now that we know most of the tech we need to get it up and running, so no definite timeline on when this is going in, but I'll tell Frelorn, so he can tell all of you, once we have a better idea.
'''Your Suggestions:'''
:All of the above being said, we will look into the timers and possibly changing them, but we will weigh that against the rewards planned for the Black Markets, so they will not likely drop into the really short-term range, like many have proposed.
:I'll see if I can make it so that a single person can't claim all three Banners, so at least 3 people in the same Society need to get organized to claim a Keep.
:Do you all think I should lengthen the time a banner needs to be claimed before a Keep is claimed? I set it to 5 minutes for all three Banners, figuring it would take about 30 minutes to successfully hold a town against people just gunning down your Banners before they gun down the competition, assuming even sides arriving for the fight. I can lengthen that timer to 10-15 minutes with all three held, but would that create a situation where the town sat in conflict for hours, until one side or more got bored and left?
:Assuming we can't get in any rewards that are dynamic to the actual time the keep is held, and no benefits that effect the Society in an overarching way (Both of those would need a large amount of new tech to get in, so we won't be able to pull anything like that off for September/October), what rewards/things would you like to see in the Black Markets? What would make them more valuable to you? We have stuff planned for them, but more stuff never hurts.
:To the suggestion of putting in an Allegiance-based version of Land Control, AC's tech doesn't support that, and it would take a great deal of additional tech to even get it to a basic state, so not any time soon, sorry.
{|border=0 cellpadding=5 style=background:#E0E0E0
|[[Image:Turbine Icon.png]]
| Kintani<br>AC Content Designer<br>Turbine, Inc.
{{Creature Class|Blighted Moarsman
| Blind Keeper
| Brood Mother
| Gate Watcher
| High Priest's Acolyte
| High Priest's First
| High Priest's Second
| High Priest's Third
| High Priest of T'thuun
| Magshuth Moarsman
| Maguth Moarsman
| Moarsman Sacrificer
| Mogshuth Moarsman
| Moguth Moarsman
| Prior Kothmox
| Shoguth Moarsman
| Shogshuth Moarsman
| Spawn
| Spawn Watcher
| Spawnling
| Temple Guardian (Moarsman)
{{Creature Class|Human
| Assassin (Level 215)
| Bandit Mana Hunter
| Bandit Mana Hunter Boss
| Benedino
| Captain Donnarion
| Captain Haroush
| Captain Joroshi
| Celestial Hand Scout
| Eldrytch Web Scout
| Radiant Blood Scout
| Master Archer
| Master Mage (Creature)
| Master Soldier
{{Creature Class|Misc. Creature Class
| Coral Tower
{{Creature Class|Moar
| Ardent Moar
| Blessed Moar
| Verdant Moar

{{Creature Class|Moarsman
| Ardent Moarsman
| Blessed Moarsman
| Verdant Moarsman

{{Creature Class|Niffis
| Ashris Niffis

<div style="background-color:#E0E0E0; border:2px solid #C0C0C0;width:80%;padding:30px;margin-bottom:20px;margin-left:5%;margin-right:10%;">
{{Creature Class|Phyntos Wasp
[ '''Link''']
| Giant Jungle Phyntos Wasp
{{Creature Class|Sclavus
| Afessa Sclavus Soldier
| Kathirik
| Sclavus Acolyte of T'thuun
| Sclavus Sacrificer
| Siessa Sclavus Soldier
| Skith'Kirit
| Temple Guardian (Sclavus)
| Tikchti

{{Creature Class|Shallows Shark
| Great Devourer

The design of the Keeps and the fights therein is "fewer battles that are more epic." If the timer were short then the Black Market would change hands every hour or few hours as people got what they needed. The basic issue is the it is difficult to constantly defend something in an MMO simply because no one can be on all the time. Organizing when you strike will always have the advantage for that reason. So we want players to be able to predict when the Black Markets will become available and we want them to actually be infrequent enough that a whole bunch of players log in for that battle. Think of it as a auto-live event. If it happens more often it's not as epic.
{{Creature Class|Undead
| Shambling Archivist
With the Keeps the idea is that you *know* when you have to be on next so you can plan to defend and retake the Keep. We can't make it random unless all players can easily check the next battle time. (Players in other time zones having problems participating is a good point. Perhaps we could change the timer to an odd number so the battle rotates through various time zones?) If the timer was shorter I would worry that the Keep would become available too often for people to really be able to plan for it or care.
| Vaeshok
If you want constant battles for control on red worlds then fighting at the Foundaries is probably closer to your thing. Not only do you deny your opponent use of the chests but the mana shards and key are droppable and relatively high value so you can loot valuable shards/keys off your opponent. This was designed to give an actual reward for ganking people at the Foundaries and make that area very dangerous on red worlds. We envisioned fighting in the major cities to be more the constant skirmishes you are looking for. The PvPers know where people will be coming to, and they know they will be likely to be carrying valuable and droppable loot keys.
As for rewards, the Black Market will (as Kintani said) be upgraded with rewards on a three day timer. Each time your faction holds a Black Market you can access the cycle of rewards. We thought of a design where the Black Market would have some kind of dynamic buff that turned on and off as it switched hands but those types of buffs don't tend to be as valuable and it can be frustrating.
Picture this; you want to do Aerbax and want your society to gain the Keep buffs for that. In a situation where the Keeps have a high turn over I believe it would be frustrating to fight to grab the Keeps for this dynamic buff and have the Keep turn to another faction just as you are finished organizing and ready to fight him. In a short timer scenario like that we risk it soon becoming too annoying to bother taking the Black Market. If the Black Market has a short timer we also risk players not really having anything to lose by losing it. "Meh, let them take it, we'll grab it in two hours." We want each fight to feel more epic and have more to win or lose. We want it worth organizing over.
If by losing the Black Market you now lose an entire cycle of XP and treasure pull quests which themselves are on a 3 day timer then its worth fighting for and you can enjoy it for a little bit before you start organizing the next attack.
{|border=0 cellpadding=5 style=background:#E0E0E0
|[[Image:Turbine Icon.png]]
| Severlin<br>Senior Game Engineer<br>Turbine, Inc.

=== Images ===
==== New Loot Gallery ====
Examples of loot items from the new loot tier:
Click image for full size.
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=4>
File:Tier 8 Loot - Ivory Jitte.jpg
File:Tier 8 Loot - Ruby Acid Dericost Blade.jpg
File:Tier 8 Loot - Ivory Knuckles.jpg
File:Tier 8 Loot - Silver Covenant Breastplate.jpg
File:Tier 8 Loot - Silk Shirt.jpg
File:Tier 8 Loot - Ivory Heavy Bracelet.jpg
File:Tier 8 Loot - Silver Olthoi Bracers.jpg
File:Tier 8 Loot - Copper Slashing Staff.jpg
File:Tier 8 Loot - Gold Tenassa Sleeves.jpg
File:Alduressa Olthoi Helm Live.jpg
File:Koujia Olthoi Helm Live.jpg

Line 1,142: Line 879:

=== Splash Screen ===
=== Splash Screen ===
[[Image:Ancient Powers Splash Screen.jpg]]


Latest revision as of 19:52, 25 May 2013

Related topics: 100th Update Preview

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August 2008 - Announcements Page

Turbine Announcements

August 25th Teaser Images

Special thanks to Frelorn for all his hard work!



Release Notes


Town Crier Rumors

UPDATE: The Viamontian Town Criers and Mainland Town Criers have merged together:

Town Crier tells you, "Due to the recent detente between King Varicci and Queen Elysa, all the realm's town criers share the same news. I applaud our ruler's wisdom for reaching across the Halaetan Straits to make peace with our neighbor, in this time of peril."
Town Crier tells you, "The realm is united! The realm of town criers, that is. In light of improving relations between Queen Elysa and King Varicci, and with the realm riven by mysterious and powerful secret orders, the heraldic guilds have decided to merge, and deliver the news with one voice."

Free Rumors:

Town Crier tells you, "A great advancement! Scholars report that they have made a breakthrough and can now cast eighth-level spells! It may not be easy to learn how to cast them yourself, however..."
Town Crier tells you, "There's a newly discovered island to the south of Dereth. Rumors are that it's home to a bunch of Moarsmen, but very few people seem to know how to get there..."
Town Crier tells you, "There's a newly discovered island off the southeastern coast of Dereth, but as yet we don't seem to know how to get there or what lives there."
Town Crier tells you, "The Empyrean Graveyard of the Direlands seems to have... expanded, and the Societies are sending more and more of their scouts through the area. A troublesome development, don't you think?"
Town Crier tells you, "News! There's been a lot of new activity on the Dark Isle. It seems the three Societies are quite interested in that island."
Town Crier tells you, "You've heard of the three new secret societies of Dereth, yes? The Celestial Hand, the Eldrytch Web, and the Radiant Blood have started openly recruiting. They've each sent a recruiter to one of the mainland capital cities. I'd want to visit all three towns to speak to each recruiter and see what they're about."
Town Crier tells you, "It seems even richer loot than ever before is available, but opportunities to get at this inconceivable level of loot seem scarce. I wonder how to get a crack at some of that treasure?"
Town Crier tells you, "Adventurers have come across a new strong castle in the northernmost mountains of Dereth. It's called Northwatch keep, and apparently it is the site of some squabbling between the three new Societies."
Town Crier tells you, "News! A mysterious organization of smugglers and thieves has opened up a couple of black market trading posts. They claim no allegiance to any ruler or society, but they offer their business to whichever society is strong enough to control their local town."

Pyreal Rumors:

Town Crier tells you, "Heard about that new island of Moarsmen to the south, eh? I know it's south of the land bridge, but I think you have to be an advanced member of one of the Societies to get there."
Town Crier tells you, "The three new clandestine Societies of Dereth have started recruiting! The Celestial Hand's recruiter is stationed in Hebian-To, the Eldrytch Web's recruiter is in Cragstone, and the Radiant Blood posted their recruiter to Zaikhal."
Town Crier tells you, "Have you heard about Northwatch Castle? It's way up in the wild northern mountains, northeast of Mount Esper. Apparently the three Societies are fighting over who gets to keep it, because whoever owns it gets access to the black market trading post there."
Town Crier tells you, "That newly discovered Freebooter Isle, so I've heard, is home to Moars, Moarsmen, and terrifying armored Sclavus, among other things. There's also some kind of fortress out there that the three Societies keep fighting over. Even more interesting, there's a black market trading post attached to the fortress. Too bad you have to be an advanced member of one of the Societies to get there."
Town Crier tells you, "The Empyrean Graveyard of the Direlands is even busier than ever! The grounds seem to have mysteriously expanded somehow, and new creatures have turned up... But most interesting, the three Societies have their newest acolytes scouring the grounds there for various items."
Town Crier tells you, "The Dark Isle is alight with activity again! The three societies are sending some of their newer recruits on missions to the island to make them prove their worth."
Town Crier tells you, "The Black Market offers some incredible items that only they know how to get at their outposts on Freebooter Isle and in Northwatch Castle. Unfortunately, your Society has to be in control of that location in order to gain access to the Black Market's amazing wares."
Town Crier tells you, "I've heard tell that there's treasure and loot out there bearing even more powerful enchantments than we've ever seen, but it's all locked up in chests... I think the Societies have the best line on getting at that loot, but there are opportunities for the unaligned to get keys as well..."

Ulgrim Rumors

Free Rumors:

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh ho! So the town crier guilds of the mainland and of the Viamontian realm have decided to stop competing with each other, eh? I don't trust consolidation in the media, kid, and neither should you. This is the latest Virindi sneak attempt to turn our brains to applesauce."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You tell me there's even richer loot than we've ever seen, sitting around Dereth locked up in chests? Inconceivable!"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Those new spells that everyone's going on about? You can thank me for those. Yep, I decided to finally get off my duff and write out a new set of spells. I know, I know, I'm such a great guy... The kind of great guy who deserves a free mug of stout now and again, I dare say."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yeah, I'm starting a secret society of my own. It's called the Ancient and Benevolent Knights of the Empty Mug. We quest to empty every mug in Dereth. The Celestial Hand, the Radiant Blood, the Eldrytch Web... those folks are all capable, I'm sure, but not a one of them can outdrink an Empty Mugger. You can curry favor with our society by bringing me a mug of stout to empty."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "There's so much going on! I almost can't keep track of the new developments, what with the Societies recruiting, the black markets opening, the new islands sprouting up, new spells... My old mind is overheating. A cool mug of stout would sure cool me off. That was a hint, kid."

Stout Rumors:

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You know, right around the time the town crier guilds from the mainland and the Viamontian lands decided to merge, they invited me to join their new organization. I guess they think I'm one of them because I sit here and try to tell it like it is. But I'm not one of them. I speak higher truths. They're all so tediously absorbed in 'reality' and 'truth' and nonsense like that."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I hear there's even more going on at the Graveyard these days. I even heard that the Graveyard's borders have expanded. Pretty scary, isn't it? You wouldn't think that, in a land where everyone's kinda immortal, that mortuaries would be a growth industry."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ah, you've proven yourself worthy to join the Ancient and Benevolent Knights of the Empty Mug. Feel free to go around and tell people that you're a Knight of the Empty Mug. I'd show you our secret handshake, but really it only works when you're blind, stumbling drunk."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Just kidding! Boy, how gullible are you? There's no such secret society! Really, the very idea."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Don't ask me how to get to Freebooter Isle. It actually used to be my vacation home, before I lost the deed in a poker game. I'm very bitter about it, and only the sweet sweet taste of stout makes me forget. So no, I'm not going to tell you how to get there. I'll tell you where to go, all right, but you won't like it."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I talked to one of those Society recruiters the other day. Asked him why he joined his Society. He said something about wanting to secure Dereth for the greater good, defending against outside threats. He babbled a lot. Finally I asked him what kind of beer they serve in the Society tavern, and he had the effrontery to call me a useless drunk! So I teleported him over Fort Tethana. I'd rather be a useless drunk than a flattened pile of gore in the middle of Teth."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Moarsman Island? Yeah, I know how to get there. You run west from here until you reach the coast, then take a left turn, follow the curve until it flattens out, then take a right and swim until you hit the shore of the new island. Watch for the ziggurats. Simple! Why is it so hard for people to figure out?"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yeah, I went up to Northwatch Castle once. Met that fella Oswald there. We played dice and drank a few rounds together, but ultimately I decided I didn't want to hang out there too long. All the factional violence was starting to get a little off-putting, especially when someone got blood on my nice new white pants."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You know my cousin MacTavish runs one of the black market outposts, right? He's such a thief. If it weren't for my other cousins MacDugal and MacNiall, MacTavish would be the black sheep of the family. They're all black sheep too. So maybe I'm the white sheep. Or the grey sheep. Yeah, my nephew Ardry would be the white sheep, if he weren't spattered with blood and mud all the time."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Why are you so interested in sheep anyway?"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ulgrim the Archmage, Master of Time and Space, Leader of the Virindi Resistance, Master Tinkerer, Seer of Truths, Lord of the Jewelry, Supreme Peppermint Cook, Celebrations Advisor to the Queen, Chess Grandmaster, the Shadow Tested, Virindi Regulator and Beer Lord. Yes, that fits nicely with my other titles."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yeah, you'll need a Mana Scarab to cast those fancy new spells. Don't ask me how to get them. Once I invented those new spells, I thought it would be too showy if I went around using them all the time, so I don't even carry a Mana Scarab with me. I am the soul of moderation. Now get me another drink, kid!"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Feels like I've been here a hundred years. The actual number is probably closer to 8 or 9 years, but yeah, it feels like a hundred years. I think I'll perk myself up by trying to drink a hundred mugs of stout today. A hundred stouts for a hundred years! Doesn't that sound grand?"
Ulgrim interrupts his quiet conversation and yells, "That's right! A hundred! Who else can say a hundred! No one's got the fortitude I do, to stand up to a hundred beers!"

Grand Masterful Poobah Ulgrim has accepted <Player Name> into the Order of the Empty Mug and conferred the title Happy Hundredth upon the lucky supplicant!
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ooh, you're a lucky one, and you know why? You've given me my hundredth stout of the day! Or close enough, anyway. I stopped counting after about fifty. You actually get to join the Knights of the Empty Mug. Membership confers no bonuses other than a neat title."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Here's a toast to you, kid."

New UI and Game Changes

The Temples of Forgetfulness and Enlightenment have had the timer for their use reset due to gameplay changes made in the August 2008 update.

New Quests

Initiation Quests

Initiate Level Quests

Adept Level Quests

Knight Level Quests

Lord Level Quests

Master Level Quests

  • None

Live Events

A small horde of Blighted Moarsmen are attacking Shoushi! Help is requested!
    • September 1st - Leafcull
A small horde of Blighted Moarsmen are attacking Qalaba’r! Help is requested!

Updated Quests

New Locations

Updated Locations

  • Graveyard - Extended to the south valley with many more rat spawns.

New NPCs

Northwatch Castle Black Market NPCs
Freebooter Keep Black Market NPCs
Celestial Hand Stronghold NPCs
Eldrytch Web Stronghold NPCs
Radiant Blood Stronghold NPCs
Updated NPCs

New Items

Spell Components

See Spell Research for a list of the new spell components and their usage.

Mana Forge Advanced Equipment Chest
Mana Forge Armor Chest
Mana Forge Magic Chest
Mana Forge Mixed Equipment Chest
Mana Forge Weapon Chest
Shard Mana Forge Equipment Chest
Researcher's Chest
Weapon Quartermaster's Chest
Equipment Quartermaster's Chest
Armor Quartermaster's Chest
Shard Mana Forge Key
Mana Forge Key

Celestial Hand
Celestial Hand Armor Writ
Celestial Hand Banner
Celestial Hand Initiate Armor Writ
Celestial Hand Initiate's Handbook
Celestial Hand Stronghold Portal Gem
Writ of Authorization
Celestial Hand Trade Token
Celestial Hand Commendation Ribbon
Celestial Hand Helm Key
Celestial Hand Sollerets Key

Eldrytch Web
Eldrytch Web Armor Writ
Eldrytch Web Banner
Eldrytch Web Initiate Armor Writ
Eldrytch Web Initiate's Handbook
Eldrytch Web Stronghold Portal Gem
Writ of Authorization
Eldrytch Web Trade Token
Eldrytch Web Commendation Ribbon
Eldrytch Web Gauntlets Key

Radiant Blood
Radiant Blood Initiate Armor Writ
Radiant Blood Armor Writ
Writ of Authorization
Radiant Blood Initiate's Handbook
Radiant Blood Stronghold Portal Gem
Radiant Blood Banner
Radiant Blood Trade Token
Radiant Blood Commendation Ribbon
Radiant Blood Breastplate Key
Radiant Blood Girth Key
Radiant Blood Greaves Key
Radiant Blood Gauntlets Key
Radiant Blood Helm Key
Radiant Blood Pauldrons Key
Radiant Blood Sollerets Key
Radiant Blood Tassets Key
Radiant Blood Vambraces Key
Radiant Blood Sollerets Chest
Radiant Blood Breastplate Chest
Radiant Blood Gauntlets Chest
Radiant Blood Greaves Chest
Radiant Blood Tassets Chest
Radiant Blood Vambraces Chest
Radiant Blood Pauldrons Chest
Radiant Blood Girth Chest
Radiant Blood Helm Chest

Northwatch Castle
Creeping Blight Banner of the Courtyard
Creeping Blight Banner of the Spire
Creeping Blight Banner of the Tower
Celestial Hand Banner of the Courtyard
Celestial Hand Banner of the Spire
Celestial Hand Banner of the Tower
Eldrytch Web Banner of the Courtyard
Eldrytch Web Banner of the Spire
Eldrytch Web Banner of the Tower
Radiant Blood Banner of the Courtyard
Radiant Blood Banner of the Spire
Radiant Blood Banner of the Tower

Northwatch Castle Black Market
Raider Lightning Arrow
Raider Lightning Bolt
Raider Lightning Spike
Raider Lightning Atlatl Dart
Wrapped Bundle of Raider Lightning Arrowheads
Black Market Gem of Dispelling
Pursuit Orb
Black Market Health Elixir
Black Market Mana Elixir
Black Market Advancement Gem

Initiate Quests
Slimy Key
Corrupted Mana Shard
Initiate's Treasure Key
Altered Dark Remoran Fin
Pyre Skeleton Jaw
Donnarion's Key
Haroush's Key
Joroshi's Key
Benedino's Letter
Lens of Filinuvekta
Adept's Treasure Key

Adept Quests
Falatacot Battle Report
Mhoire Carved Cenotaph
Archaeologist's Tracing Paper
Imprinted Archaeologist's Paper
Crystal of Perception
Rock (Dark Isle)
Supplies for Massilor
Black Coral
Leatherbound Journal
Knight's Treasure Key
Aged Falatacot Scroll
Stained Falatacot Scroll
Tattered Falatacot Scroll
Worn Falatacot Scroll
Wrinkled Falatacot Scroll
Rituals of Purification
The Blessed Trees
The Circle of Giving
A Delicate Web
The Darkest Roots

Knight Quests
Glowing Jungle Lily
Glowing Moar Gland
Mana-Infused Jungle Flower
Amulet of T'thuun
Blood of T'thuun
Dagger of T'thuun
Brood Mother's Reckoning
Lord's Treasure Key

Lord Quests
Blood Pearl
Coral's Heart
Eye of T'thuun
Finger Bone of Mishfain
Hagrafash Tooth Necklace
Holy Symbol
Kothmox's Staff
Shrine of the Temple Horn
Sacred Deep Water
Scroll of Prophecy
Skull of Mishfain
Spear of Baalfroth, the Slayer
Temple Horn
Ancient Falatacot Tome of Light
Skith'Kirit's Severed Head
Titanic Dericost Mnemosyne
Skith'Kirit's Key
Armory Key
Master's Treasure Key
Vault Key

Mana Foci
Pristine Mana Shard
Ornate Armor Writ
Society Gem of Dispelling
Coral Hollow
Giant Jungle Phyntos Wasp Stinger
Reefhunter's Reckoning
Electric Baton
Lightning Longbow
T'thuun Bow
T'thuun Claw
T'thuun Dagger
T'thuun Mace
T'thuun Shield
T'thuun Spear
T'thuun Sword

New Spells

Mana Scarab

See Spell Research for scroll creation

Creature Magic

See VIII Creature Scrolls for a complete list of player castable spells.

Item Magic

See VIII Item Scrolls for a complete list of player castable spells.

Life Magic

See VIII Life Scrolls for a complete list of player castable spells.

War Magic

See VIII War Scrolls for a complete list of player castable spells.

New Scrolls

See Spell Research Scroll List

New Titles

Grand Masterful Poobah Ulgrim has accepted <Your Name> into the Order of the Empty Mug and conferred the title Happy Hundredth upon the lucky supplicant!

In commemoration of the 100th patch (may only be available this month).


New Creatures

Blighted Moarsman


Misc. Creature Class




Phyntos Wasp


Shallows Shark



New Loot Gallery

Examples of loot items from the new loot tier: Click image for full size.

Known Issues

Commendations Officer tells you, "Please speak with <Rank 2 Gateway Quest NPC>, here in this Stronghold."
  • Globals for taking a PK land control area seem to be jumbled. For example taking the Northwatch fort gives a global for Freebooter Isle.
  • Impen 8 spell appears to increase armor value by 220, which is the same as Impen 7.
  • NPC Shopkeeper Polly of the Celestial Hand Stronghold uses the dialog from the shopkeeper of Sanamar:
Shopkeeper Polly tells you, "Feel free to peruse my wares. But know this; one day the King will crush your weeping Queen. And you Bloodless will take your rightful place in the pits of the Eaters."
Farnor the Archmage tells you, "You have traveled far...How can I serve thee?"
  • Burden does not drop with a full pack and usting. Link
  • You can not turn in society gaunts or soles for coins as stated in Society Handbook.
  • Currently all NPCs beyond sollerets and gauntlets say you must be a Lord, contrary to the information contained in the Initiate's Handbook. This appears to just be a dialog typo as a player was able to get the greaves after advancing to Adept.
  • The edge effects appear to be bugged with the spell component quill icons, they do not change when adding a mana scarab to infuse. It appears as if it was intended that they change (the Quill of Extraction has the standard black edge which I suspect was meant to be for all four quills as you find them, while the other three quills have a magic white edge effect which I suspect was intended for when they have been infused.)
  • The Society armor chests seem to be weighted to generate armor with a certain racial requirement. Blood seems to generate more Gharu'ndim reqs, Web generate Aluvian, and Hand generate Sho.

We need to do a little more internal observation here, but it looks like this may be happening. If so, it was not intentional and has to do with how the armor profiles are specified in the chests, which is going to make it especially tricksy to fix.

Lupus Argenteus
  • The dungeon by the Mage Academy is referred to as the Rogue Delvings by the keys inside it, but the portal is called the Corrupted Catacombs.
  • The new intro music/splash plays even if sound is turned off.
  • The attribute beer (+50) are overrided by the attribute buff 8 (+45). I.E : Ivory Heavy Bracelet cast Incantation of Endurance Self on you, surpassing Hunter's Hardiness
  • When attempting to solve the riddle in the Lord Test, if the answer results in 78, the quest is currently bugged.

If you get this riddle go over to where the other statue spawns and use the hollow numbered 150.

It will reference the correct hollow in the upcoming patch.



Splash Screen