The Sword of Lost Light, infused with blue, white, and red fire from he volcanoes of Lethe, Esper, and Tenkarrdun.Special Properties: BondedDamage: 6.5 - 13 (22.5 - 29), Slashing/PiercingSpeed: Fast (30) (0)Bonus to Attack Skill: +6%Bonus to Melee Defense: +6%Your base {{{Weapon Skill}}} must be at least 325 to wield this item.Casts the following spells: Endurance Other IV, Blood Drinker V, Swift Killer IV, Sword Mastery Other IV, Strength Other IV, Quickness Other IVActivation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 158, Sword: 280Spellcraft: 260Mana: 588Mana Cost: 1 point per 10 seconds.
The Sword of Lost Light, infused with blue, white, and red fire from he volcanoes of Lethe, Esper, and Tenkarrdun.Special Properties: BondedDamage: 6.5 - 13 (22.5 - 29), Slashing/PiercingSpeed: Fast (30) (0)Bonus to Attack Skill: +6%Bonus to Melee Defense: +6%Your base {{{Weapon Skill}}} must be at least 0 to wield this item.Casts the following spells: Endurance Other IV, Blood Drinker V, Swift Killer IV, Sword Mastery Other IV, Strength Other IV, Quickness Other IVActivation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 158, Sword: 280Spellcraft: 260Mana: 588Mana Cost: 1 point per 10 seconds.