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Related topics: Radiant Blood Stronghold, Factions, Celestial Hand, Eldrytch Web

Radiant Blood Banner


One of the three Societies of Dereth, along with the Celestial Hand and Eldrytch Web, first mentioned in the Investigate the Factions quest added during the Introductions event. Labeled as the 'neutral' faction in ACVault's interview with Andy "Frelorn" Cataldo.



Main game topics: Getting Started | Gameplay | Player Character | Items | World | Patches | Live Events
Sub-topics: Creatures | Locations | NPCs | Quests | Lore
Quest lists: Young Explorer Quests | XP Quests | Luminance Quests | Kill Tasks | Faction Quests
Society Quests | MFK Quests | Legendary Key Quests | MMD Quests | Quest Index
Quest tracking: Quest Journal | Contracts

Society quests are quests which can be done by players within one of the Societies of Dereth. The majority of the society quests include Commendation Ribbons as part of their rewards, which are used to advance in rank within a society.

Although there are 3 different societies, all of the quests in the society strongholds are identical aside from having different quest NPCs to begin and complete each quest.

Society Quest Guides

Society Quests by Rank

No Standing

Any Standing

Initiate Quests

Name XP (Millions) Commendation Ribbons Society Trade Tokens Luminance Location Timer Solo/Group
Dark Isle Delivery 10 10 4 1,000 Dark Isle 20 hours Solo
Defeating Vaeshok 15 10 4 1,000 Dark Isle 20 hours Solo
Shambling Archivist Destroyer 15 10 4 1,500 Graveyard 20 hours Solo
Undead Jaw Collection 15 10 4 1,500 Graveyard 20 hours Solo
Wight Blade Sorcerer Kill Task 15 10 4 1,500 Graveyard 20 hours Solo
Collect Gear Knight Parts 10 10 4 1,500 Direlands Gear Knight Invasion Area 20 hours Solo
Gear Knight Phalanx Kill Task 10 10 4 1,500 Direlands Gear Knight Invasion Area 20 hours Solo
Disrupting the Mana Siphon 10 10 4 1,500 Direlands Gear Knight Invasion Area 20 hours Solo
Adept Test (Advancement Quest) 50% up to 220 10 Once per character Solo

Adept Quests

Name XP (Millions) Commendation Ribbons Society Trade Tokens Luminance Location Timer Solo/Group
Graveyard Delivery 10 15 4 2,500 Graveyard 20 hours Solo
Tracing The Stone 15 15 4 2,500 Graveyard 20 hours Solo
Dark Isle Scouting 10 15 4 2,000 Dark Isle 20 hours Solo
Falatacot Report Collector 15 15 4 2,000 Dark Isle 20 hours Solo
Black Coral Collection 10 15 4 2,000 Dark Isle 20 hours Solo
Knight Test (Advancement Quest) 20% up to level ?? Once per character Solo

Knight Quests

Name XP (Millions) Commendation Ribbons Society Trade Tokens Luminance Location Timer Solo/Group
Defeating Bandit Mana Hunter Boss 40 20 4 3,000 Freebooter Isle 20 hours Solo
Glowing Jungle Lily Collector 20 20 4 3,000 Freebooter Isle 20 hours Solo
Glowing Moar Gland Collector 20 20 4 3,000 Freebooter Isle 20 hours Solo
Blessed Moarsman Kill Task 20 20 4 3,000 Freebooter Isle 20 hours Solo
Mana-Infused Jungle Flower Collector 15 20 4 3,000 Freebooter Isle 20 hours Solo
Commendation Ribbon Recovery 0 Up to 25 0 0 Freebooter Isle 3 Days Solo
Phyntos Larva Kill Task 15 20 4 500 Freebooter Isle 20 Hours Solo
Killer Phyntos Wasp Kill Task 40 25 4 1,500 Freebooter Isle 20 Hours Solo
Phyntos Honey Collector 25 15 4 500 Freebooter Isle 20 Hours Solo
Phyntos Splinter Collector 25 15 4 500 Freebooter Isle 20 Hours Solo
Phyntos Queen Quest 40 25 4 1,500 Freebooter Isle 20 Hours Solo
Lord Test (Advancement Quest) 20% up to level 275 10 Once per character Solo

Lord Quests

Name XP (Millions) Commendation Ribbons Society Trade Tokens Luminance Location Timer Solo/Group
Magshuth Moarsmen Kill Task 20 25 4 4,000 Moarsman City 20 hours Solo
Moguth Moarsman Kill Task 20 25 4 4,000 Moarsman City 20 hours Solo
Shoguth Moarsman Kill Task 20 25 4 4,000 Moarsman City 20 hours Solo
Coral Tower Destroyer 20 25 4 4,000 Moarsman City 20 hours Solo
High Priest of T'thuun Kill Task 40 25 4 4,000 Moarsman City 20 hours Solo
Moarsman Spawning Pools 20 25 4 4,000 Moarsman City 20 Hours Solo
Artifact Collection 15 25 4 4,000 Moarsman City 20 Hours Solo
Palm Fort 40 35 6 2,500 Moarsman City 20 Hours Solo
Supply Saboteur 40 25 4 1,500 Moarsman City 20 Hours Solo
Forgotten Tunnels of Nyr'leha 300 15,000 Moarsman City 13 Days Solo/Group
Master Test (Advancement Quest) 50% up to level 220 10 Once per character Solo


See also

Update history

Gaining Ground


Leader: Nuhmudira

Headquarters: Radiant Blood Stronghold @ 12.8N 0.7E in Zaikhal.


Name Quest Title
Jawaq ibn Janath Investigate the Factions Scout of the Blood
Vierana du Canamorra Investigate the Factions Blood Recruiter
Kelan Raven-Eye Investigate the Factions Blood Archivist
Lacarra Avanthi Disturbance in the Ley Lines Blood of Truth
Blood Priestess (Creature) Lord Rytheran's Journal
Harlune's Diplomacy
Elite Zharalim Agent (Creature) Harlune's Diplomacy N/A

Principles & Philosophy


  • The Tenets of the Radiant Blood State, "One must be willing to sacrifice anything and everything, including one's own life or soul, in advancement of the greater good."
  • The Blood's leader Nuhmudira is a divisive character.
    • Openly practices Blood Magic, and has sacrificed her own loyal followers in Blood Rites.
    • Seen as self-centered and power hungry by some.
    • Mental state is still unclear after her mind link with the Ancient Olthoi Queen.
  • Conspiracy theories involving Nuhmudira forming the Radiant Blood only for personal gain, or to gain willing sacrifices for her Blood Magic.

Related Lore