Light Weaponry

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Two Handed
Magic Casters

Related topics: Light Weapons


Transcluded tables, see Loot/Tier 8#Maximum Damages for the editable versions. {{#lst:Loot/Tier 8|Light / Finesse Weapons Maximum Damages}}


Name Damage
Ancient Pyreal Dagger 2 - 4, Slashing/Piercing
Broken Haft 1 - 2, Bludgeoning
Hafted Falcon Banner with Crest 0.34 - 1, Piercing
Hafted Falcon Spear 4.42 - 13, Piercing
Hafted Gromnie Banner with Crest 0.34 - 1, Piercing
Hafted Gromnie Spear 4.42 - 13, Piercing
Hafted Mask Banner with Crest 0.34 - 1, Piercing
Hafted Mask Spear 4.42 - 13, Piercing
Hafted Reedshark Banner with Crest 0.34 - 1, Piercing
Hafted Reedshark Spear 4.42 - 13, Piercing
Hafted Serpent Banner with Crest 0.34 - 1, Piercing
Hafted Serpent Spear 4.42 - 13, Piercing
Hafted Shreth Banner with Crest 0.34 - 1, Piercing
Hafted Shreth Spear 4.42 - 13, Piercing
Reinforced Falcon Banner with Crest 0.34 - 1, Piercing
Reinforced Falcon Spear 5.1 - 15, Piercing
Reinforced Gromnie Banner with Crest 0.34 - 1, Piercing
Reinforced Gromnie Spear 0.34 - 1, Piercing
Reinforced Mask Banner with Crest 0.34 - 1, Piercing
Reinforced Mask Spear 5.1 - 15, Piercing
Reinforced Reedshark Banner with Crest 0.34 - 1, Piercing
Reinforced Reedshark Spear 5.1 - 15, Piercing
Reinforced Serpent Banner with Crest 0.34 - 1, Piercing
Reinforced Serpent Spear 5.1 - 15, Piercing
Reinforced Shreth Banner with Crest 0.34 - 1, Piercing
Reinforced Shreth Spear 5.1 - 15, Piercing
Repaired Haft 1 - 2, Bludgeoning
Staff of Nullification 2, Fire
Tumerok Spear 2 - 8, Piercing


Weapon Type Name Damage
Sword Bone Sword 5 - 10
Sword Broad Sword 5 - 10
Mace Club 5 - 10
Dagger Dagger 1 - 4
Axe Dolabra 5.5 - 11
Axe Hand Axe 5.5 - 11
Sword Kaskara 5 - 10
Mace Kasrullah 5 - 10
Unarmed Weapons Katar 1 - 4
Dagger Khanjar 1 - 4
Unarmed Weapons Knuckles 1 - 4
Unarmed Weapons Korua 2 - 4
Dagger Okane 2 - 4
Axe Ono 5.5 - 11
Staff Quarter Staff 3.5 - 7
Staff Repugnant Melee Staff 3.5 - 7
Sword Shamshir 5 - 10
Axe Spada 4 - 8
Spear Spear 2.5 - 10
Mace Spiked Club N/A
Spear Stone Spear 4 - 10
Mace Torch 1 - 2
Axe War Hammer 4 - 8
Spear Yari 2.5 - 10



Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Hand Axe 8 - 16, Slashing None None Training Academy Quest
Acidic Weeping Axe 21 - 35 (36.6 - 61), Acid Base LW 325+ Unenchantable, Bael'Zharon's Hate, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Acid Olthoi Axe 22 - 44, Acid Base LW 300+ Crushing Blow Olthoi Weapons Quest
Axe of the Quiddity 9 - 18, Slashing None None Quiddity Weapons Quest
Axe of Winter Flame 22.5 - 45, Fire Level 80+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Shadow Slayer The Shadows of Bitter Winter
Blighted Axe 22.8 - 38 (38.4 - 64), Slashing Base LW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Bonded, Attuned Blighted Weapons
Chimeric Axe of the Quiddity 48.45 - 57, Slashing Level 120+ Dropped on Death, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Timed (3 hours) Small Olthoi Venom Sac
Electric Weeping Axe 21 - 35 (36.6 - 61), Electrical Base LW 325+ Unenchantable, Bael'Zharon's Hate, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Enhanced Axe of the Quiddity ?? - ??, Slashing Base LW 370+ Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Weapon Upgrade Kit
Enhanced Obsidian Axe 19.2 - 32, Fire Base LW 300+ Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Fire Belinda du Loc
Flaming Weeping Axe 21 - 35 (36.6 - 61), Fire Base LW 325+ Unenchantable, Bael'Zharon's Hate, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Frozen Weeping Axe 21 - 35 (36.6 - 61), Cold Base LW 325+ Unenchantable, Bael'Zharon's Hate, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Hiyp the Toad's pickaxe 3.5 - 7, Piercing None Attuned, Bonded Olthoi Shield Quest
Insensate Axe 32 - 64, Fire None Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Ivoryable Withered Weapons Quest
Obsidian Axe 16 - 32, Fire Base LW 250+ None Basalt Blade
Paradox-touched Olthoi Axe 32.4 - 54, Piercing Base LW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Olthoi Slayer, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Cast on Strike: Shock Wave IV Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi
Phantom Axe 6 - 10, Slashing Base LW 275+ Phantasmal, Bonded, Unenchantable, Attuned, Ivoryable Phantom Weapons Quest
Quadruple-bladed Axe 27 - 45, Slashing Base LW 325+ Crushing Blow General Garsh
Ravenous Axe 6 - 11 (18 - 36), Slashing None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Ravenous Weapons Quest
Shadowfire Isparian Axe 27.6- 46 (40.8 - 68), Fire Base LW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Unenchantable, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Shadow Slayer Shadowfire Stone Quest
Tidal Siraluun Tewhate 12 - 20, Fire None None Siraluun Weapons Quest
Training Hand Axe Training Academy Quest
Weeping Axe 21 - 35 (36.6 - 61), Slashing Base LW 325+ Unenchantable, Bael'Zharon's Hate, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Weeping Weapons


Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Dagger Training Academy Quest
Acidic Weeping Dagger 6 - 12 (19 - 38), Acid Base LW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Heart of Innocence Quest
Ash Tooth Dagger 6 - 12, Electrical None None Ash Gromnie Tooth- Ivory Crafter
Assault Dirk 3.25 - 13, Slashing/Piercing Level 030+ Tumerok Slayer Tumerok Banners Quest
Audetaunga's Okane of the Mountains 8.5 - 14, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 250+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Battered Old Dagger 9.8 - 14, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 250+ Armor Cleaving Worn and Battered Weapons
Blighted Dagger ?? - ?? (?? - ??), Slashing/Piercing Base LW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Blighted Weapons
Dagger of Frozen Fury 5 - 20, Cold Base LW 300+ Biting Strike Frozen Fury
Dagger of Tikola 3 - 12, Fire None Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Dagger of Tikola Quest
Dirk of the Fallen 13.5 - 27, Piercing Base LW 370+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Fallen Weapons
Electric Weeping Dagger 6 - 12 (19 - 38), Electric Base LW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Heart of Innocence Quest
Enhanced Assault Dirk ?? - ??, Slashing/Piercing Level 130+ Tumerok Slayer, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Weapon Upgrade Kit
Flaming Weeping Dagger 6 - 12 (19 - 38), Fire Base LW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Heart of Innocence Quest
Frozen Weeping Dagger 6 - 12 (19 - 38), Cold Base LW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Heart of Innocence Quest
Obsidian Dagger 3.2 - 8, Slashing/Piercing None Multi-Strike Empyrean Cloister Quest
Palenqual's Okane of the Chase 8.5 - 14, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 250+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Palenqual's Okane of the Heights 8.5 - 14, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 250+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Palenqual's Okane of the Vortex 8.5 - 14, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 250+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Renegade Okane of the Chase 7.8 - 13, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 400+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Okane of the Forests 7.8 - 13, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 400+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Okane of the Heights 7.8 - 13, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 400+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Okane of the Mountains 7.8 - 13, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 400+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Okane of the Rivers 7.8 - 13, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 400+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Okane of the Vortex 7.8 - 13, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 400+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Sacraloi 7 - 10, Slashing/Piercing Level 030+ Olthoi Slayer Gaerlan's Citadel
Shadowfire Isparian Dagger 15.6 - 26 (?? - ??), Fire Base LW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Unenchantable, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Shadow Slayer Shadowfire Stone Quest
Shard of Harraag's Dagger (Weapon) 13 - 26 (19 - 38), Piercing/Electric Base LW 400+ Multi-Strike, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Cast on Strike (Eye of the Storm), Ivoryable Aerbax's Prodigal Banderling
Sharpened Virindi Scalpel 25.8 - 43, Slashing/Piercing None Bonded, Hollow Virindi Scalpel Quest
Soul Bound Dagger 26.6 - 38, Piercing Buffed LW 400+ Ghost Slayer, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving Jester's Lost Marbles
Spectral Dagger 26.6 - 38, Piercing Buffed LW 400+ Ghost Slayer, Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving Jester's Lost Marbles
Tanae's Okane of the Forests 8.5 - 14, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 250+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Training Dagger Training Academy Quest
Virindi Scalpel 16 - 32, Slashing/Piercing None Bonded, Hollow Virindi Scalpel Quest
Volkama's Okane of the Rivers 8.5 - 14, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 250+ Multi-Strike, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Weeping Dagger 6 - 12 (19 - 38), Acid Base LW 325+ Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Heart of Innocence Quest
Worn Old Dagger 14 - 20, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 350+ Armor Cleaving Worn and Battered Weapons


Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Club 8 - 16, Bludgeoning None None Training Academy Quest
Banished Mace 20.5 - 41, Cold Base LW 300+ Crushing Blow Banished Weapons
Bound Singularity Mace 18 - 36, Bludgeoning Base LW 250+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Singularity Weapons Quest
Burun Slaying Morning Star 24.7 - 38, Bludgeoning Base LW 325+ Biting Strike, Crushing Blow, Burun Slayer Burun Slaying Weapons
Club of Undead Bashing 46.8 - 52 (66.6 - 74), Bludgeoning None Undead Slayer, Unenchantable, Dropped on Death, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Cast on Strike: Crushing Shame Hero Tokens
Deadly Hollow Mace 48.75 - 65, Bludgeoning Base LW 250+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Hollow Weapons Quest
Hollow Mace 7.2 - 18, Bludgeoning None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Hollow Weapons Quest
Mace of Dissonance 23 - 46, Bludgeoning Level 100+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Colossal Mite
Mace of Hiranaith 18.9 - 42, Bludgeoning None Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Shadows of Bitter Winter
Mace of the Fallen 20.5 - 41, Bludgeoning Base LW 370+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Fallen Weapons
Noble Morning Star 24.7 - 38, Bludgeoning Base LW 325+ Biting Strike, Crushing Blow Noble Weapons
Princely Runed Mazule 6 - 10, Bludgeoning Base LW 275+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike: Gossamer Flesh Princely Runed Weapons
Red Rune Silveran Mace ?? - ??, Slashing Level 140+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Grael's Summoning Chamber
Regal Morning Star ?? - ??, Bludgeoning Base LW 325+ Attuned, Bonded, Burun Slayer, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Noble Weapons Quest
Royal Runed Mazule 25 - 50, Bludgeoning Level 120+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike: Gossamer Flesh Royal Runed Weapons
Scepter of Thunderous Might 18 - 36, Electrical Base LW 325+ Crushing Blow Halls of Knorr
Singularity Mace 7 - 14 (17 - 34), Bludgeoning Level 040+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Unenchantable, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Shadow Slayer Shadowfire Stone Quest
Training Club 4.5 - 9, Slashing None None Training Academy Quest
Ultimate Singularity Mace 22.5 - 45, Bludgeoning Base LW 325+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Singularity Weapons Quest
Ultimate Singularity Mace (Upgraded) 27 - 45, Bludgeoning Base LW 400+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Armor Cleaving, Ivoryable Weapon Upgrade Kit
Vagurat's Hand 8 - 16, Bludgeoning None Bonded, Ivoryable Bleeargh's Gratitude
Vanguard Leader's Morningstar 19.2 - 32, Cold None Resistance Cleaving: Cold Tumerok Vanguard Outposts


Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Spear 5 - 10, Piercing None None Training Academy Quest
Assault Spear 6 - 24, Piercing Level 30+ Tumerok Slayer Tumerok Banners Quest
Aun Tanua's War Taiaha 4.8 - 12, Piercing None Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike Aun Tanua's War Taiaha Quest
Auroch Horn Spear 3.75 - 15, Electrical None None Ivory Crafter
Channeling Stone Spear ?? - ??, Piercing Base LW 400+ Cast on Strike Mucor Enhanced Weapons Quest
Enhanced Assault Spear 6 - 24, Piercing Level 130+ Tumerok Slayer, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing Weapon Upgrade Kit
Enhanced Serpent's Fang 9.52 - 28, Acid Base LW 325+ Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Acid, Cast on Strike: Corrosive Flash Creature Lords
Fire Spear 6 - 15, Fire None Defender V, Fire Protection Other V, Blood Drinker V, Swift Killer V, Heart Seeker V Fiery Weapons
Phantom Spear ?? - ??, Pierce Base LW 275+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Phantasmal Phantom Weapons Quest
Ravenous Spear 2 - 8 (9 - 33), Piercing None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Ravenous Weapons Quest
Serpent's Fang 8.84 - 26, Acid Base LW 300+ None Creature Lords
Soul Bound Spear 38.4 - 48, Piercing Buffed LW 400+ Ghost Slayer, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving Jester's Lost Marbles
Spear of Baranaith 12.8 - 32, Piercing None Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Shadows of Bitter Winter
Spear of the Given Heart 8.8 - 22, Piercing Base LW 250+ None Spear of the Given Heart Quest
Spectral Spear 38.4 - 48, Piercing Buffed LW 400+ Ghost Slayer, Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving Jester's Lost Marbles
Strand Siraluun Taiaha 5.6 - 14, Piercing None Biting Strike Siraluun Weapons Quest
Tauraloi 25.6 - 64, Piercing Base LW 250+ Olthoi Slayer, Unenchantable Gaerlan's Citadel
Training Spear 4.5 - 9, Piercing None None Training Academy Quest


Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Staff 8 - 16, Bludgeoning None None Training Academy Quest
Burun Slaying Quarterstaff 9.9 - 22, Bludgeoning Base LW 325+ Biting Strike, Crushing Blow, Burun Slayer Burun Slaying Weapons
Channeling Repugnant Staff 20.8 - 52, Bludgeoning Base LW 400+ Cast on Strike: Mucor Jolt Enhancing Mucor
Chimeric Stave of the Quiddity 38 - 40, Bludgeoning Level 120+ Dropped on Death, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning Small Olthoi Venom Sacs
Enhanced Stave of the Quiddity 16.08 - 24 (18 - 30), Bludgeoning Base LW 370+ Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning Weapon Upgrade Kit
Gikar's Dream 12.5 - 25, Bludgeoning Level 100+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Minor Blood Thirst, Minor Heart Thirst Gikar
Hoeroa of Palenqual 20.1 - 30, Bludgeoning Base LW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Crushing Blow (Optional) Hea Totem Quest
Noble Quarterstaff 9.9 - 22, Bludgeoning Base LW 325+ Biting Strike, Crushing Blow Noble Weapons
Phantom Staff ?? - ??, Bludgeoning Base LW 275+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Phantasmal Phantom Weapons Quest
Ravenous Staff 2.5 - 5 (15 - 30), Bludgeoning None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Ravenous Weapons Quest
Regal Quarterstaff ?? - ??, Bludgeoning Base LW 325+ Attuned, Bonded, Burun Slayer, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Noble Weapons Quest
Staff of Coercion 24 - 32, Bludgeoning Base LW 325+ None Search for Gareth Dain
Stave of the Quiddity 8.04 - 12, Bludgeoning None None Quiddity Weapons Quest
Training Staff 4.5 - 9, Bludgeoning None None Training Academy Quest
Vile Scourge 32 - 64, Bludgeoning Base LW 370+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Liazk Itzi (100+)
Vile Scourge ?? - ??, Bludgeoning Base LW 350+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Liazk Itzi (80 - 99)
Vile Scourge ?? - ??, Bludgeoning Base LW 300+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Liazk Itzi (60 - 79)
Vile Scourge ?? - ??, Bludgeoning Base LW 250+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Liazk Itzi (40 - 59)


Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Broad Sword 8 - 16, Slashing/Piercing None None Training Academy Quest
Ashbane 15 - 30, Fire None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Lady Aerfalle Quest
Banished Blade 25 - 50, Fire Base LW 300+ Crushing Blow Banished Weapons
Battered Old Sword 18 - 30, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 250+ Armor Cleaving Worn and Battered Weapons
Bound Singularity Sword 22 - 40, Slashing Base LW 250+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Singularity Weapons Quest
Channeling Bone Sword 37.6 - 94, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 400+ Cast on Strike: Mucor Jolt Mucor Enhanced Weapons
Commoner's Blade 43.55 - 65, Slashing/Piercing None Unenchantable, Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Hero Tokens
Copper Cutlass 26.4 - 44, Piercing Base LW 325+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Copper Gromnie Tooth
Deadly Hollow Sword 42 - 70, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Unenchantable, Hollow Hollow Weapons Quest
Demon Swarm Sword 33.6 - 56, Slashing Base LW 350+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Ivoryable Colosseum Bosses
Hollow Sword 20 - 40, Slashing/Piercing None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Hollow Weapons Quest
Lord's Blade 26.8 - 40, Slashing/Piercing None Multi-Strike, Unenchantable, Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Cast on Strike Hero Tokens
Olthoi Sword 10 - 20, Acid None None Olthoi Hunter
Princely Runed Flamberge 30 - 60, Slashing/Piercing Level 100+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike: Gossamer Flesh Princely Runed Weapons
Red Rune Silveran Sword 31 - 62, Slashing/Piercing Level 140+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Tracking Grael
Reforged Ashbane 45.9 - 90, Fire Base LW 400+, Level 150+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving, Ivoryable Lady Aerfalle Quest
Replica Sword of Bellenesse 30 - 50, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 370+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Viamontian Knight Slayer Sword of Bellenesse
Royal Runed Flamberge 31 - 62, Slashing/Piercing Level 120+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike: Gossamer Flesh Royal Runed Weapons
Singularity Sword 22 - 40, Slash/Pierce Base LW 250+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Destroyed on Death, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Singularity Weapons Quest
Superior Ashbane 33 - 60, Fire Base LW 325+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Lady Aerfalle Quest
Training Broad Sword 4.5 - 9, Slashing/Piercing None None Training Academy Quest
Ultimate Singularity Sword 26.9 - 49, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 325+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Virindi Slayer Singularity Weapons Quest
Ultimate Singularity Sword (Upgraded) 30.25 - 55, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 400+ Virindi Slayer, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Armor Cleaving Singularity Weapons Quest
Worn Old Sword 27 - 45, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 350+ Armor Cleaving Worn and Battered Weapons

Unarmed Weapons

Icon Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest
Academy Knuckles 7 - 14, Bludgeoning None None Training Academy Quest
Assault Cestus 2.75 - 11, Bludgeoning Level 030+ Tumerok Slayer Tumerok Banners Quest
Audetaunga's Korua of the Mountains 9 - 18, Bludgeoning Base LW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Basalt Blade 3 - 12, Fire Base LW 250+ None Creature Lords
Battered Old Cestus 5.5 - 11, Bludgeoning Base LW 250+ Armor Cleaving Worn and Battered Weapons
Deadly Hollow Katar 17 - 34, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 250+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Hollow Weapons Quest
Ebon Tooth Katar 3 - 12, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 250+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Ebon Gromnie Tooth - Ivory Crafter
Enhanced Assault Cestus ?? - ??, Bludgeoning Level 130+ Tumerok Slayer, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning Assault Weapons, Weapon Upgrade Kit
Enhanced Basalt Blade 9.1 - 13, Fire Base LW 300+ Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Fire Creature Lords
Fist of Enlightenment 10, Fire Base LW 400+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Resistance Cleaving: Fire, Cast on Strike: Cleansing Ring of Fire Tanada House of Fire Quest
Fist of Massacre 33 - 55, Piercing Base LW 370+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Liazk Itzi (100+)
Fist of Massacre ?? - ??, Piercing Base LW 350+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Liazk Itzi (80 - 99)
Fist of Massacre ?? - ??, Piercing Base LW 300+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Liazk Itzi (60 - 79)
Fist of Massacre ?? - ??, Piercing Base LW 250+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Liazk Itzi (40 - 59)
Hollow Katar 12 - 24, Slashing/Piercing None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Hollow Weapons Quest
Lou Ka's Katar 1 - 4, Slashing/Piercing None Attuned, Bonded Lou Ka's Stolen Items
Palenqual's Korua of the Chase 9 - 18, Bludgeoning Base LW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Palenqual's Korua of the Heights 9 - 18, Bludgeoning Base LW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Palenqual's Korua of the Vortex 9 - 18, Bludgeoning Base LW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Paradox-touched Olthoi Katar 21.6 - 36, Slashing/Piercing Base LW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Olthoi Slayer, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Cast on Strike: Shock Wave IV Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi
Renegade Korua of the Chase 13 - 26, Bludgeoning Base LW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Korua of the Forests 13 - 26, Bludgeoning Base LW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Korua of the Heights 13 - 26, Bludgeoning Base LW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Korua of the Mountains 13 - 26, Bludgeoning Base LW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Korua of the Rivers 13 - 26, Bludgeoning Base LW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Korua of the Vortex 13 - 26, Bludgeoning Base LW 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Tanae's Korua of the Forests 9 - 18, Bludgeoning Base LW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Training Knuckles 3.5 - 7, Bludgeoning None None Training Academy Quest
Vampire's Kiss 20 - 40 (31 - 62), Slashing None Unenchantable, Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Cast on Strike: Drain Health Other III, Destroyed After 3 Hours Hero Tokens
Volkama's Korua of the Rivers 9 - 18, Bludgeoning Base LW 250+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Worn Old Cestus 10 - 20, Bludgeoning Base LW 350+ Armor Cleaving Worn and Battered Weapons


Icon Name Damage Special Props. Rare #
Baton of Tirethas 53.33 - 66, Bludgeoning Bludgeon Rending, Biting Strike 193
Bearded Axe of Souia-Vey 36 - 60, Slashing Bael'Zharon's Hate, Slash Rending 195
Black Thistle 32.32 - 40, Slashing/Piercing Wisp Slayer 259
Fist of Three Principles 28.63 - 36, Piercing Pierce Rending, Armor Cleaving 204
Guardian of Pwyll 52.48 - 66, Piercing Olthoi Slayer, Pierce Rending 189
Moriharu's Kitchen Knife 46.92 - 59, Slashing/Piercing Slash Rending, Crushing Blow 208
Skullpuncher 34.99 - 44, Piercing Pierce Rending, Skeleton Slayer 203
Spirit Shifting Staff 39 - 52, Bludgeoning Bael'Zharon's Hate, Bludgeon Rending 258
Staff of Fettered Souls 41.6 - 52, Bludgeoning Undead Slayer, Bludgeon Rending 257
Star of Gharu'n 30.25 - 55, Fire Fire Rending, Crushing Blow 285
Squire's Glaive 45.68 - 56, Piercing Ghost Slayer, Pierce Rending 201
Thunderhead 48.48 - 60, Electrical Lightning Rending, Lugian Slayer 194


See also: Category:Retired

Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Quest/Live Event
A Society Dagger 4.75 - 19, Slashing/Piercing None Biting Strike Exploration Society Letters
An Explorer Dagger 4.75 - 19, Slashing/Piercing None Biting Strike Exploration Society Letters
Assault Spear 1 - 20, Piercing None None Tumerok Banners Quest
Basalt Blade 1.5 - 6, Slashing None None Creature Lords
Bronze Dagger 1 - 4, Slashing/Piercing None None Bronze Statue Weapons
Bronze Quarter Staff 3 - 6, Bludgeoning None None Bronze Statue Weapons
Bronze Spear 2 - 8, Piercing None None Bronze Statue Weapons
Dagger of Tikola 3 - 12, Slashing/Piercing None None Dagger of Tikola Quest
Fine Spine Axe 7 - 14, Slashing None None Island Armoredillo Spine - Trophy Smith
Fine Spine Axe 10 - 20, Cold None None Island Armoredillo Spine - Trophy Smith
Fire Spear 2 - 8, Fire None None Fiery Weapons
Obsidian Axe 9 - 18, Slashing None None Creature Lords
Olthoi Sword 7 - 14, Slashing/Piercing None None Olthoi Hunter
Peerless Atlan Axe 9.5 - 19, Slashing None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Atlan Axe of Black Fire 23 - 46, Fire None Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Shivering Atlan Axe 9.5 - 19, Cold None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Smoldering Atlan Axe 9.5 - 19, Fire None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Sparking Atlan Axe 9.5 - 19, Electrical None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Stinging Atlan Axe 9.5 - 19, Acid None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Perfect Chilling Isparian Axe 18 - 36 (28 - 56), Cold Level 50+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Fire Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Coruscating Isparian Axe 18 - 36 (28 - 56), Lightning Level 50+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Acid Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Dissolving Isparian Axe 18 - 36 (28 - 56), Acid Level 50+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Lightning Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Flaming Isparian Axe 18 - 36 (28 - 56), Fire Level 50+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Frost Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Isparian Axe 18 - 36 (28 - 56), Slashing Level 50+ Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Shimmering Isparian Axe 18 - 36 (28 - 56), Slashing Level 50+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Chilling Isparian Dagger 7.5 - 15 (17.5 - 35), Cold Level 050+ Fire Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Coruscating Isparian Dagger 7.5 - 15 (17.5 - 35), Lightning Level 050+ Acid Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Dissolving Isparian Dagger 7.5 - 15 (17.5 - 35), Acid Level 050+ Lightning Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Flaming Isparian Dagger 7.5 - 15 (17.5 - 35), Fire Level 050+ Frost Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Isparian Dagger 7.5 - 15 (17.5 - 35), Slashing/Piercing Level 050+ Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Shimmering Isparian Dagger 7.5 - 15 (17.5 - 35), Slashing/Piercing Level 050+ Unenchantable, Elemental Slayer, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Peerless Atlan Spear 6.8 - 17, Piercing None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Atlan Spear of Black Fire 6.8 - 17, Piercing None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Shivering Atlan Spear 6.8 - 17, Cold None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Smoldering Atlan Spear 6.8 - 17, Fire None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Sparking Atlan Spear 6.8 - 17, Lightning None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Stinging Atlan Spear 6.8 - 17, Acid None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Atlan Staff 9 - 12, Bludgeoning None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Atlan Staff of Black Fire 15 - 20, Bludgeoning None Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Shivering Atlan Staff 9 - 12, Cold None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Smoldering Atlan Staff 9 - 12, Fire None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Sparking Atlan Staff 9 - 12, Lightning None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Peerless Stinging Atlan Staff 9 - 12, Acid None Bonded Atlan Weapons Quest
Serpent's Fang 5.44 - 16, Acid None None Singularity Weapons Quest
Singularity Mace 9 - 18, Bludgeoning None Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Singularity Weapons Quest
Singularity Sword 10 - 20, Slashing/Piercing None Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Singularity Weapons Quest
Starter Club 2.5 - 5, Bludgeoning None None Training Halls
Starter Hand Axe 3 - 5, Slashing None None Training Halls
Starter Kasrullah 3 - 5, Bludgeoning None None Training Halls
Starter Quarterstaff 3 - 6, Bludgeoning None None Training Halls
Starter Spear 2 - 7, Piercing None None Training Halls
Starter Yari 2 - 7, Piercing None None Training Halls
Superb Chilling Isparian Axe 16 - 32 (24 - 48), Cold Level 40+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Fire Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Superb Coruscating Isparian Axe 16 - 32 (24 - 48), Lightning Level 40+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Acid Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Superb Dissolving Isparian Axe 16 - 32 (24 - 48), Acid Level 40+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Lightning Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Superb Flaming Isparian Axe 16 - 32 (24 - 48), Fire Level 40+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Frost Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Superb Isparian Axe 16 - 32 (24 - 48), Slashing Level 40+ Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Superb Shimmering Isparian Axe 16 - 32 (24 - 48), Slashing Level 40+ Unenchantable, Bonded, Elemental Slayer Isparian Weapons Quest
Tremblant's Ivory Staff 18 - 36, Electrical None Bonded 12/16/99 - The Great Work (Live Event)


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