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2/5 Buffs

2/5 Buffs are character buffs that temporarily buff the character, usually having 2 minute duration, and 5 minutes reset time (3 minutes downtime). These buffs are designed for tricky situations, as they can only be kept up 40% of the time. It should be mentioned that most class specific 2/5 buffs are a lot more powerful than base tree 2/5s, or permanent aura buffs.

Common 2/5 Buffs are:

Human specific:

Lugian Specific:


  • Thornskin: Reflects (up to 30%?) damage
  • Interlope: Reduces damage taken (up to 10%)
  • Tail Stance: Increases Melee defence but reduces your damage
  • Claw Stance: Adds damage but reduces your melee defence

Other noteable Class Specific 2/5s